Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
B393 .O5 | Plato and the times he lived in. | 1 |
B393 .P3 1893a | Plato and Platonism : a series of lectures / | 1 |
B393 .P3 1910 | Plato and Platonism : a series of lectures / | 1 |
B393 .R26 1673 | The comparison of Plato and Aristotle with the opinions of the fathers on their doctrine and some Christian reflections together with Judgement on Alexander & Cæsar as also on Seneca, Plutarch and Petronius / | 2 |
B393 .R35 1969 | Plato as an introduction to modern criticism of life. | 1 |
B393 .R5 1976 | Platon : sein Leben, seine Schriften, seine Lehre / | 1 |
B393 .R9 | Plato's progress. | 1 |
B393 .S95 1976 | Platonica : the anecdotes concerning the life and writings of Plato / | 1 |
B393 .T38 1971 | Plato. | 1 |
B393 .W37 2023 | Plato of Athens : a life in philosophy / | 2 |
B393 .W45 | L'"archéologie" de Platon / | 1 |
B394 .A75 2010 | Aristotle & the Stoics reading Plato / | 1 |
B394 .F53 2006 | Gardens of philosophy : Ficino on Plato / | 1 |
B394 .F53 2006eb | Gardens of philosophy : Ficino on Plato / | 1 |
B394 .P7614 1990 | Prolégomènes à la philosophie de Platon / | 1 |
B394 .W3 | Plato Arabus : edidit Richardus Walzer. | 1 |
B394 ebook | Platón : en búsqueda de la sabiduría secreta / | 1 |
B395 |
Plato in the third sophistic / Plato's Republic : an introduction / Studies on Plato, Aristotle, and Proclus : collected essays on ancient philosophy of John Cleary / Pharmakon : Plato, drug culture, and identity in ancient Athens / Plato and Xenophon : comparative studies / Plato : the written and unwritten doctrines / Plato and Hegel : two modes of philosophizing about politics / Being and logos : reading the Platonic dialogues / Virtues of thought : essays on Plato and Aristotle / Philosophos : Plato's missing dialogue / Knowledge and truth in Plato : stepping past the shadow of Socrates / Virtues of thought essays on Plato and Aristotle / The platonic mind / Plato the man and his work / The essence of Plato's philosophy / Platon y Homero : dialogo entre filosofia y poesia. Flow and Flux in Plato's Philosophy. Platonic dialogue and the education of the reader / Plato at Syracuse : essays on Plato in western Greece / Plato in the Italian Renaissance / Levels of argument : a comparative study of Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics / Plato and the Art of Philosophical Writing / Arete in Plato and Aristotle selected essays from the 6th Interdisciplinary Syposium on the Hellenic Heritage of Sicily and Southern Italy. / Plato, diagrammatic reasoning and mental models / Why Plato lost interest in the Socratic method / The realm of mimesis in Plato : orality, writing, and the ontology of the image / Platon. Studies in Plato's metaphysics Listening to reason in Plato and Aristotle / TRUTH AND WONDER : a literary introduction to plato and aristotle. Ascent to the beautiful : Plato the teacher and the pre-Republic dialogues from Protagoras to Symposium / Philosophos Plato's missing dialogue / Plato and the elements of dialogue / Platonic conversations / The gatekeeper : narrative voice in Plato's dialogues / Plato / |
41 |
B395 1975eb | Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, Crito & Phaedo : notes / | 1 |
B395 .A27 2014 |
Essential vulnerabilities Plato and Levinas on relations to the Other / Essential vulnerabilities : Plato and Levinas on relations to the Other / |
3 |