Call Number (LC) Title Results
B395 .A29 1997 Essays on Plato and Aristotle / 1
B395 .A29 1997eb Essays on Plato and Aristotle / 1
B395 .A4 1965 Studies in Plato's metaphysics / 1
B395 .A45 2013 Why Plato wrote 1
B395 .A455 2018 Socratic ignorance and Platonic knowledge in the Dialogues of Plato / 1
B395 .A47 1989 Über Platons Begriff der Philosophie / 1
B395 .A5 Lecture de Platon. 1
B395 .A52 2012 Rethinking Plato : a cartesian quest for the real Plato / 1
B395 .A53 2010 Why Plato wrote / 1
B395 .A53 2010eb Why Plato wrote / 1
B395 .A54 Studies in Plato's Metaphysics (RLE.
Platōnos tychai : hē logia paradosē stēn Tourkokratia /
B395 .A55 2016 The guardians in action : Plato the teacher and the post-Republic dialogues from Timeaus to Theatetus / 1
B395 .A555 2016 The guardians on trial : the reading order of Plato's Dialogues from Euthyphro to Phaedo / 1
B395 .A6 The argument of Plato / 1
B395 .A646 2003 Plato : a very short introduction / 1
B395 .A66 1976 Platonische Aufsätze / 1
B395 .A72 1991 Interpreting Plato : the dialogues as drama / 1
B395 .A74 1976 Platos Jugenddialoge und die Entstehungszeit des Phaidros / 1
B395 .A98 2021 Authority and authoritative texts in the Platonist tradition / 1
B395 .B28 1965 New essays on Plato and Aristotle / 1