Call Number (LC) Title Results
B387 .T3 A commentary on Plato's Timaeus / 1
B387 .T56 2022 Time and cosmology in Plato and the platonic tradition / 1
B387 .W43 2011 The teachings of Syrianus on Plato's Timaeus and Parmenides / 1
B387 .W43 2011eb The teachings of Syrianus on Plato's Timaeus and Parmenides / 1
B387 .W44 Character, plot and thought in Plato's Timaeus-Critias / 1
B387 .W54 1980 On the interpretation of Plato's Timaeus ; On the Platonist doctrine of the asymblētoi arithmoi [romanized] / 1
B390 .H57 1993 Dividing reality / 1
B390 -- H57 1993eb Dividing Reality. 1
B391.A53 Politics in Socrates' Alcibiades : a philosophical account of Plato's dialogue Alcibiades Major / 1
B391.A53 H45 2017 Socrates and Alcibiades : Plato's drama of political ambition and philosophy / 1
B391.A53 N48 2010eb Der Zweite Alkbiades [i.e. Alkibiades] : Untersuchungen zu einem pseudoplatonischen Dialog / 1
B391.A53 R46 2015 The Platonic Alcibiades I : the dialogue and its ancient reception / 1
B391.A53 R46 2015eb The Platonic Alcibiades I : the dialogue and its ancient reception / 1
B391.A8 S7 1934 The Axiochus of Plato / 1
B391.A82 G4 2012eb Über den Tod / 1
B391.C52 E5 1999 Plato : Clitophon /
Plato, Clitophon /
B391.C52 E5 1999eb Plato, Clitophon / 1
B391.C53 B46 2015 Clitophon's challenge : dialectic in Plato's Meno, Phaedo, and Republic / 1
B391.C53 P57 2004 Plato's Cleitophon : on Socrates and the modern mind / 1
B391.E53 1592 Axiochus. A most excellent dialogue, written in Greeke by Plato the phylosopher: concerning the shortnesse and vncertainty of this life, with the contrary ends of the good and wicked. / 1