B395 .P548 2001
Platonisches Philosophieren : zehn Vorträge zu Ehren von Hans Joachim Krämer / |
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B395 .P557 2012
Platons Hermeneutik und Prinzipiendenken im Licht der Dialoge und der antiken Tradition : Festschrift für Thomas Alexander Szlezak zum 70. Geburtstag / |
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B395 .P56 1993
Plato's dialogues : new studies and interpretations / |
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B395 .P57 1997
Plato's dialogues : the dialogical approach / |
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B395 .P573 2017eb
Plato's Protagoras : essays on the confrontation of philosophy and sophistry / |
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B395 .P5796 2015
The structure of enquiry in Plato's early Dialogues / |
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B395 .P5796 2015eb
The structure of enquiry in Plato's early Dialogues / |
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B395 .P63 2001
Politics, philosophy, writing : Plato's art of caring for souls / |
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B395 .P63 2001eb
Politics, philosophy, writing : Plato's art of caring for souls / |
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B395 .P66 1999
Plato's reception of Parmenides / |
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B395 .P72 1966
Platon und der logische Eleatismus. |
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B395 .P73 1997
Le monde de la politique : sur le récit atlante de Platon, Timée (17-27) et Critias / |
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B395 .P73 2012eb
Presocratics and Plato : Festschrift at Delphi in Honor of Charles Kahn : Papers Presented at the Festschrift Symposium in Honor of Charles Kahn Organized by the Hyele Institute for Comparative Studies European Cultural Center of Delphi, June 3rd-7th, 2009, Delphi, Greece / |
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B395 .P73213 2002
Plato and the city : a new introduction to Plato's political thought / |
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B395 .P738 2016
Le Mystère de Platon : Aglaophamos. |
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B395 .P74 2000
Who speaks for Plato? : studies in Platonic anonymity / |
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B395 .P74 2007
Plato : a guide for the perplexed / |
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B395 .P86 2006
Puraton to Roshia = Plato and Russia / |
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B395 .P87 1983
Zur Argumentationsstruktur Platonischer Dialoge : die "Was ist X?"-Frage in Laches, Charmides, Der grössere Hippias und Euthyphron / |
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B395 .R28 1976
Platons philosophische Entwickelung / |
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