Call Number (LC) Title Results
B3999.P3 S5 1950 Spinoza et le panthéisme religieux / 1
B3999.P68 N4413 1991 The savage anomaly : the power of Spinoza's metaphysics and politics / 1
B3999.P68 S65 2018 Spinoza's authority / 1
B3999.R4 H84 2014eb Spinoza's radical theology the metaphysics of the infinite / 1
B3999.R4 H86 2005 Radical protestantism in Spinoza's thought / 1
B3999.R4 H868 2017 Radical Protestantism in Spinoza's Thought / 1
B3999.R4 J63 2016 The role of contradictions in Spinoza's philosophy : the God-intoxicated heretic / 1
B3999.R4 M385 1997 The God of Spinoza : a philosophical study / 1
B3999.R4 P65 2006 Between Philosophy and Religion, Vol. I : Spinoza, the Bible, and Modernity.
Between philosophy and religion : Spinoza, the Bible, and modernity /
B3999.R4 P65 2007 Between Philosophy and Religion, Vol. II : Spinoza, the Bible, and Modernity. 1
B3999.T4 Persistence through time in Spinoza / 1
B3999.T4 W35 2012 Persistence through time in Spinoza / 1
B3999.T7 M3 Spinoza's theory of truth. 1
B4000 .B95ins 1653 Franconis Burgersdici Insitutionum [sic] metaphysicarum lib. ii opus posthumum. 1
B4005 .B86 2018eb From Bayle to the Batavian revolution : essays on philosophy in the eighteenth-century Dutch Republic / 1
B4022.A5 .S585 2015eb François Hemsterhuis Oeuvres philosophiques : edition critique / 1
B4023 .L4 1964 Lettre sur l'homme et ses rapports : avec le commentaire inédit de Diderot / 1
B4027 .H35 Unmittelbarkeit und Kritik bei Hemsterhuis. 1
B4027 .M63 François Hemsterhuis. 1
B4027 .W45 2022 François Hemsterhuis and the writing of philosophy /
François Hemsterhuis and the writing of philosophy /