Call Number (LC) Title Results
B491.L8 B3 1842 Logique d'Aristote : traduite en français pour la première fois et accompagnée de notes perpétuelles / 1
B491.L8 B6 Aspects of Aristotle's logic / 2
B491.L8 C3 1968 I fondamenti della logica aristotelica / 1
B491.L8 C64 1977 Collegii Complutensis Disputationes in Aristotelis dialecticam / 1
B491.L8 D36 Sense and contradiction : a study in Aristotle / 2
B491.L8 E2 Ein formales Modell der Syllogistik des Aristotles. 1
B491.L8 E63 1981 Three logicians : Aristotle, Leibniz, and Sommers and the syllogistic / 1
B491.L8 G76 2009 An Aristotelian account of induction : creating something from nothing / 1
B491.L8 G76 2009eb An Aristotelian account of induction : creating something from nothing / 1
B491.L8 L38 1980 Aristotle and logical theory / 2
B491.L8 L8 1957 Aristotle's syllogistic from the standpoint of modern formal logic. 1
B491.L8 L8 1957a Aristotle's syllogistic from the standpoint of modern formal logic. 1
B491.L8 M2 Aristotle's modal syllogisms. 1
B491.L8 M35 2013 Aristotle's modal syllogistic / 1
B491.L8 M35 2013eb Aristotle's modal syllogistic / 2
B491.L8 M54 La teoria aristotelica della scienza. 1
B491.L8 R55 1989 Aspects of Aristotle's logic of modalities / 1
B491.L8 R64 Aristotle's syllogistic / 1
B491.L8 S68 2001 Hypothetical syllogistic and Stoic logic / 1
B491.L8 T48 Aristotle's deduction and induction : introductory analysis and synthesis / 1