Call Number (LC) Title Results
B53 .K45 2014 The nature of philosophical problems : their causes and implications / 1
B53 .K48 Five approaches to philosophy / 1
B53 .K65 What is philosophy? : One philosopher's answer. 1
B53 .L29 1982 Modern philosophy, an introduction / 2
B53 .L32 2006 Is philosophy androcentric? / 1
B53 .L34 1970eb The cognitivity paradox : an inquiry concerning the claims of philosophy / 1
B53 .L388 Philosophical theories / 1
B53.L388 Philosophical Theories. 1
B53 .L39 1968 Philosophy and illusion. 1
B53 .L39 2013eb Philosophy and illusion / 1
B53 .L6 Reason and the nature of things : reflections on the cognitive function of philosophy. 1
B53 .L93 1999eb Peter Winch 1
B53.L93 1999eb Peter Winch. 1
B53 .M28 Filosofia da filosofia : introdução problemática à filosofia / 1
B53 .M323 2006 Selected essays / 1
B53 .M334 1984 Philosophy, history, and the sciences : selected critical essays / 2
B53 .M34 Philosophy as dramatic theory / 1
B53 .M35 2017 Tadeusz Kotarbiński's action theory : reinterpretive studies / 1
B53 .M36 1993 Beyond relativism : science and human values / 1
B53 .M38 2012 Truth by analysis : games, names, and philosophy / 1