Call Number (LC) Title Results
B5800 .J67 2013 Encounters in modern Jewish thought : the works of Eva Jospe / 1
B5800 .J83 1998  
B5800 .L46 2015 Lenn E. Goodman : Judaism, humanity, and nature / 1
B5800 .L46 2015eb Lenn E. Goodman : Judaism, humanity, and nature / 1
B5800 .M3613 2021 Inner religion in Jewish sources : a phenomenology of inner religious life and its manifestation from the Bible to Hasidic texts / 1
B5800 .M45 2015 Interreligious theology : its value and mooring in modern Jewish philosophy / 2
B5800 .M46 2016 Menachem Fisch : the rationality of religious dispute / 1
B5800 .N39 2001 The fence and the neighbor : Emmanuel Levinas, Yeshayahu Leibowitz, and Israel among the nations / 2
B5800 .N395 2015 To make the hands impure : art, ethical adventure, the difficult and the holy / 2
B5800 .N67 2015 Norbert M. Samuelson : reasoned faith / 1
B5800 .N67 2015eb Norbert M. Samuelson : reasoned faith / 1
B5800 .O765 2009 Encounters of consequence : Jewish philosophy in the twentieth century and beyond / 1
B5800 .O765 2009eb Encounters of consequence : Jewish philosophy in the twentieth century and beyond / 1
B5800 .O77 1997 Speaking/writing of God : Jewish philosophical reflections on the life with others / 2
B5800 .O77 1997eb Speaking/writing of God : Jewish philosophical reflections on the life with others / 2
B5800 .R67 1993 Judaism and modernity : philosophical essays / 1
B5800 .R675 2010 Philosophy and the Jewish question : Mendelssohn, Rosenzweig, and beyond / 1
B5800.R675 2010eb Fielding Derrida : Philosophy, Literary Criticism, History, and the Work of Deconstruction. 1
B5800 .S35 2018 The tragedy of optimism : writings on Hermann Cohen / 1
B5800 .S39 2014 On personal and public concerns : essays in Jewish philosophy / 1