B728 .M53 1966
Misticismo senese / |
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B728 .R85
Altdeutsche und altniederländische Mystik. |
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B728 .S45 1994
Mystical languages of unsaying / |
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B728 .Z37 2016
Practical mysticism in Islam and Christianity : a comparative study of Jalal al-Din Rumi and Meister Eckhart / |
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Wilfrid Sellars and the foundations of normativity / |
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B731 .C35
Realists and nominalists / |
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B731 .C53 2004eb
How can conceptual content be social and normative, and, at the same time, be objective? / |
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B731 .E23 1970
Nominalistic systems / |
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B731 .F5815 2013
Covertext : Anmerkungen zu Konzeptualismen / |
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B731 .G67 1990
Nominalism and contemporary nominalism : ontological and epistemological implications of the work of W.V.O. Quine and of N. Goodman / |
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B731 .L37
Enquête sur le nominalisme / |
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B731 .N66 2015eb
Nominalism about properties : new essays / |
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B731 .R63 2002
Resemblance nominalism : a solution to the problem of universals / |
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B731 .V5
Nominalisme au XIVe siècle. |
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B731 .W43
Ideas and concepts / |
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B731 .W43eb
Ideas and concepts / |
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B731 ebook
Nominalismo, idealismo y realismo. |
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B732 .B4
Platonismus in der Philosophie des Mittelalters / |
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B732 .C38 2019
Late Ancient Platonism in Eighteenth-Century German Thought / |
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B732 .D76 1985
Fabula : explorations into the uses of myth in medieval Platonism / |
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