Call Number (LC) Title Results
B751.I62 I585 2020eb Intellectual interactions in the Islamic world : the Ismaili thread / 1
B751.I63 Doubts on Avicenna : a study and edition of Sharaf al-Dīn al-Masʻūdī's commentary on the Ishārāt / 2
B751.I63 I53 1996 Ibn Sīnā and mysticism : Remarks and admonitions, part four / 1
B751.I63 K57 2007 Kitāb al-majmūʻ, aw, al-Ḥikmah al-ʻarūḍīyah 1
B751.I63 M37537 2016 Doubts on Avicenna : a study and edition of Sharaf al-Dīn al-Masʻūdī's commentary on the Ishārāt / 1
B751.I64 G6 Livre des directives et remarques = Kitāb al-Ísārāt wa l-tanbīhāt / 1
B751 .K5 1959 Avicenna's De anima (Arabic text) : being the psychological part of Kitāb al-Shifā' / 1
B751.K53 A47 2021 Subject, definition, activity : framing Avicenna's science of the soul / 1
B751.M252 E5 2011 Avicenna's Deliverance : logic / 1
B751.N32 C3 1961 Auicene perhypatetici philosophi : ac medicorum facile primi opera in luce redacta: ac nuper quantum ars niti potuit per canonicos emendata. Logyca, Sufficientia, De celo mundo, De anima, De animalibus, De intelligentiis, Philosophia prima...1508. 1
B751.P75 B35 Psychologie d'Ibn Sina (Avicenne) d'après son oeuvre aš-Šifāʼ / 1
B751.Q33 A55 2016 Avicenna's Allegory on the soul : an Ismaili interpretation : an Arabic edition and English translation of ʻAlī b. Muḥammad b. al-Walīd's al-Risāla al-mufīda / 1
B751.R524 G6 Introduction à Avicenne : son Épître des définitions / 1
B751.R624 G6 Le récit de Havy ibn Yaqzān : commenté par des textes d'Avicenne / 1
B751.R63 A3 1999 Two Andalusian philosophers / 1
B751.R63 C62313 1990 Avicenna and the visionary recital / 1
B751.R63 C62313 1990eb Avicenna and the visionary recital / 1
B751.S363 D4 2020 Necessary existence and the doctrine of being in Avicenna's Metaphysics of the healing / 1
B751.S5 E5 2005 The metaphysics of The healing : a parallel English-Arabic text = al-Ilahīyāt min al-Shifāʼ / 1
B751.S5 E513 2005 The metaphysics of The healing : a parallel English-Arabic text = al-Ilahīyāt min al-Shifāʼ / 1