Call Number (LC) Title Results
B755 .G66 1999 Jewish and Islamic philosophy : crosspollinations in the classic age / 1
B755 .H35 2020eb Isaac Polqar--A Jewish Philosopher or a Philosopher and a Jew? : Philosophy and Religion in Isaac Polqar's ʿEzer ha-Dat and Tešuvat Epiqoros / 1
B755 .H765 2008 The art of dialogue in Jewish philosophy / 1
B755 .H77 2005eb Jewish philosophy A-Z / 1
B755 .H8 A history of mediaeval Jewish philosophy / 1
B755 .H8 1966 A history of mediaeval Jewish philosophy. 1
B755 .J675 2009 Jewish philosophy in the Middle Ages / 1
B755 .J675 2009eb Jewish philosophy in the Middle Ages / 1
B755 .K45 2010 Torah in the observatory : Gersonides, Maimonides, Song of Songs / 2
B755 .L48 2009 From Spinoza to Lévinas : hermeneutical, ethical, and political issues in modern and contemporary Jewish philosophy / 1
B755 .M35 2007 Maimonides after 800 years : essays on Maimonides and his influence / 1
B755 .M42 2007 Medieval Jewish philosophical writings / 1
B755 .M435 2019 Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms / 1
B755 .M883 1881a Philosophy and philosophical authors of the Jews : a historical sketch with explanatory notes / 1
B755 .M95 Mystics, philosophers, and politicians : essays in Jewish intellectual history in honor of Alexander Altmann / 1
B755 .N4 Geschichte der jüdischen Philosophie des Mittelalters / 1
B755 .N4 Suppl Geschichte der jüdischen philosophie des Mittelalters : nach problemen dargestellt von David Neumark : Anhang zum ersten Bande, Kapitel : Materie und Form bei Aristoteles. 1
B755 .N4 suppl. Geschichte der jüdischen philosophie des Mittelalters : nach problemen dargestellt von David Neumark : Anhang zum ersten Bande, Kapitel : Materie und Form bei Aristoteles. 1
B755 .P38 2005eb Hebrew language and Jewish thought / 2
B755 .P47 1998eb Perspectives on Jewish thought and mysticism / 1