Call Number (LC) Title Results
B755 .S381513 2008 The classic Jewish philosophers : from Saadia through the Renaissance / 1
B755 .S381513 2008eb The classic Jewish philosophers : from Saadia through the Renaissance / 1
B755.S457 2009eb Jewish Thought in Dialogue : Essays on Thinkers, Theologies and Moral Theories. 1
B755 .S5 Aspects of the Hebrew genius : a volume of essays on Jewish literature and thought / 1
B755 .S572 1985 A history of Jewish philosophy in the Middle Ages / 1
B755 .S74 2009eb Philosophy and rabbinic culture : Jewish interpretation and controversy in medieval Languedoc / 1
B755 .V3 Introduction à la pensée juive du Moyen Âge. 1
B755 .V45 2018 Alienated Wisdom : Enquiry into Jewish Philosophy and Scepticism / 1
B757.E72 H96 2002 Eschatological themes in medieval Jewish philosophy / 1
B757.E72 H96 2002eb Eschatological themes in medieval Jewish philosophy / 3
B757.L38 S7613 1995 Philosophy and law : contributions to the understanding of Maimonides and his predecessors / 2
B757.L38 S7613 1995eb Philosophy and law : contributions to the understanding of Maimonides and his predecessors / 2
B759.A324 V3 Isaac Albalag : averroïste juif, traducteaur et annotateur d̕al-Ghazâlî 1
B759.A4 eBook Sefer ha-'Iqqarim = "Livre des Principes." 1
B759.A4 S4414 2015 Sefer ha-'iqqarim, Livre des principes, III, 25 : un chapitre de la controverse Judéo-Chrétienne en Sefarad, au xv siècle / 1
B759.A53 B7 La source de vie, livre III : De la démonstration de l'existence des substances simples / 1
B759.A53 E8 1966 The improvement of the moral qualities : an ethical treatise of the eleventh century by Solomon ibn Gabirol, printed from an unique Arabic manuscript, together with a translation, and an essay on the place of Gabirol in the history of the development of Jewish ethics / 1
B759.A53 Y32 1962 The fountain of life : Fons vitae / 1
B759.A53 Y3213 2014 The Font of life (Fons vitae) / 1
B759.A53Y3213 2014 The Font of Life : Fons vitae. 1