Call Number (LC) Title Results
B759.I2564 P68 2006eb A Jewish philosopher of Baghdad : 'Izz al-Dawla Ibn Kammūna (d. 683/1284) and his writings / 1
B759.I257 Subtle insights concerning knowledge and practice / 1
B759.I82 E5 Isaac Israeli : a Neoplatonic philosopher of the early tenth century, his works translated with comments and an outline of his philosophy / 1
B759.I82 E5 2009 Isaac Israeli : a neoplatonic philosopher of the early tenth century : his works translated with comments and an outline of his philosophy / 1
B759 .J84 Judah Messer Leon's commentary on the "Vetus logica," : a study based on three mss., with a glossary of Hebrew logical and philosophical terms / 1
B759.L4 G53 2015 Gersonides : a portrait of a fourteenth-century philosopher-scientist / 1
B759.L4 K54 2011eb Without any doubt : studies in Gersonides' methods of inquiry / 1
B759.L4 S7 1982 The creation of the world according to Gersonides / 1
B759.L43 H4513 1992 The logic of Gersonides : a translation of Sefer ha-Heqqesh ha-yashar (The Book of the correct syllogism) of Rabbi Levi ben Gershom /
The Logic of Gersonides : a Translation of Sefer ha-Heqqesh ha-Yashar (The Book of the Correct Syllogism) of Rabbi Levi ben Gershom with Introduction, Commentary, and Analytical Glossary /
B759.L43 M5413 1984 The wars of the Lord / 1
B759.L44 Gersonides : a portrait of a fourteenth-century philosopher-scientist / 1
B759.L44 E38 1995 Gersonides on providence, covenant, and the chosen people : a study in medieval Jewish philosophy and biblical commentary / 2
B759.L44 F45 2010 Gersonides : Judaism within the limits of reason / 1
B759.L44 M48 2003 Les méthodes de travail de Gersonide et le maniement du savoir chez les scolastiques / 1
B759.M32 E5 The wisdom of Moses Maimonides / 1
B759.M33 D3132 1977 Rambam : readings in the philosophy of Moses Maimonides / 1
B759.M33 E5 1963 The wisdom of Moses Maimonides / 1
B759.M33 S34 1996 Krankheit und Gesundheit bei Maimonides (1138-1204) / 1
B759.M33 S52 1966 The eight chapters of Maimonides on ethics (Shemonah perakim) : a psychological and ethical treatise / 1
B759.M34 The secret symmetry of Maimonides and Freud /
Interpreting Maimonides : critical essays /