Call Number (LC) Title Results
B74.W3 2001eb A History of Philosophy. 1
B75 .A7 The intellectual history of Europe : from Saint Augustine to Marx / 1
B75 .N86 2018 Volume 21, Tome I: Cumulative Index : Index of Names, A-K / 2
B75.3.G33 K34 Tahafut al-Falasifah. [Incoherence of the philosophers] / 1
B76 Histoire de la philosophie / 1
B76 .A25 1643 La physique des bons espirts, ou, l'Idee et abrege d'vne physique familiere et solide : diuisee en cinq liures / 1
B76 .A45 1805a Essai sur les éléments de philosophie / 1
B76 .A65 1737a Mémoires secrets de la république des lettres / 1
B76 .B87 A general collection of discourses of the virtuosi of France, upon questions of all sorts of philosophy, and other natural knowledg made in the assembly of the Beaux Esprits at Paris, by the most ingenious persons of that nation / 2
B76 (INTERNET) A general collection of discourses of the virtuosi of France, upon questions of all sorts of philosophy, and other natural knowledg made in the assembly of the Beaux Esprits at Paris, by the most ingenious persons of that nation / 1
B76.R26 R33 1678 Reflexions upon ancient and modern philosophy, moral and natural. Treating of the Aegyptians, Arabians, Gretians, Romans, &c. philosophers; as Thales, Zeno, Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Epicurus, &c. Also of the English, Germans, French, Spanish, Italian, &c. As Bacon, Boyle, Descartes, Hobbes, Vanhelmont, Gassendus, Galilens, Harvey, Paracelsus, Marsennus, Digby, &c. Together with the use that is to be made thereof. Licensed, Octob. 4. 1677. Ro. L' Estrange. 1
B76 .R26s 1691 Cours entier de philosophie, ou Systeme general selon les principes de M. Descartes, contenant la logique, la metaphysique, la physique, et la morale. 1
B77 Philosophy : an introduction /
La société (Fiche notion) : - Comprendre la philosophie.
B77-16324 Wedding customs and folklore / 1
B77 .B677 1996 La demande philosophique : que veut la philosophie et que peut-on vouloir d'elle? / 1
B77 .B682 1998 Le philosophe et le réel : entretiens avec Jean-Jacques Rosat / 1
B77 .B7 Histoire de la philosophie / 1
B77 .B723 The history of philosophy / 1
B77 .B73 1950 La philosophie et son passé / 1
B77 .C5 Propos sur des philosophes / 1