Call Number (LC) Title Results
B765.G953 M6 Das Moralium dogma philosophorum des Guillaume de Conches, lateinisch, altfranzösich und mittelniederfränkisch, herausgegeben / 1
B765.G954 G7 Anima mundi : la filosofia de Guglielmo di Conches e la scuola di Chartres. 1
B765.G964 D3 Théologie et mystique de Guillaume de Saint-Thierry. 1
B765.G983 D413 2002 The procession of the world : (De processione mundi) / 1
B765.G983 D413 2002eb The Procession of the world / 2
B765.G983 ebook De vnitate et vno : de Dominicvs Gvndisissalinvs / 1
B765.G984 P65 2020 The twelfth-century renewal of Latin metaphysics : Gundissalinus's ontology of matter and form / 1
B765.H334 M55 1993 Hadewijch and her sisters : other ways of loving and knowing / 1
B765.H53 Q6 Quodlibeta ... : cum duplici tabella. 1
B765.H54 Truth and scientific knowledge in the thought of Henry of Ghent / 1
B765.H54 M37 1985 Truth and scientific knowledge in the thought of Henry of Ghent / 1
B765 .H561 2005 Quodlibetal questions on moral problems / 1
B765.H561 2005eb Henry of Ghent : Quodlibetal Questions on Moral Problems : Translated With Introduction and Notes by Roland J. Teske. 2
B765.H564 C66 2011 A companion to Henry of Ghent / 1
B765.H564 J63 2020 Gott - Mensch - Natur : der Personenbegriff in der philosophischen Anthropologie Heinrichs von Gent / 1
B765.H564 P53 2007 Heinrich von Gent über Metaphysik als erste Wissenschaft : Studien zu einem Metaphysikentwurf aus dem letzten Viertel des 13. Jahrhunderts / 1
B765.H564 T47 2012 Essays on the philosophy of Henry of Ghent / 2
B765.H567 H46 2008 Ordinary questions / 1
B765.H573 D4813 2008 A treatise of Master Hervaeus Natalis (d. 1323), the doctor perspicacissimus, on second intentions. 3
B765.H573 D5 2011 De quattuor materiis, sive, Determinationes contra magistrum Henricum de Gandavo : a critical edition from selected manuscripts / 1