Call Number (LC) Title Results
B765.T54 B8 La terminologia tomistica dell'interiorità : saggi di metodo per un'interpretazione della metafisica della presenza. 1
B765.T54 C29 1993 The Cambridge companion to Aquinas / 1
B765.T54 C33 The ultimate reducibility of essence to existence in existential metaphysics / 1
B765.T54 C38 2021 The saint and the atheist : Thomas Aquinas and Jean-Paul Sartre / 2
B765.T54 C4613 2005 A short history of Thomism / 1
B765.T54 C4613 2005eb A short history of Thomism / 2
B765.T54 C518 2015 Perfection in death : the christological dimension of courage in Aquinas / 1
B765.T54 C525 2009 The creative retrieval of Saint Thomas Aquinas : essays in Thomistic philosophy, new and old / 1
B765.T54C525 2009 The Creative Retrieval of Saint Thomas Aquinas : Essays in Thomistic Philosophy, New and Old. 1
B765.T54 C539 2023 Lying and truthfulness : a Thomistic perspective / 1
B765.T54 C55 Versuch einer systematischen Erschliessung der Quaestiones disputatae de veritate des Hl. Thomas von Aquin / 1
B765.T54 C64 Aquinas. 1
B765.T54 C645 2008 The disfigured face : traditional natural law and its encounter with modernity / 2
B765.T54 C653 2013eb Aquinas on human self-knowledge / 1
B765.T54 C653 2014 Aquinas on human self-knowledge / 1
B765.T54 C67 2013eb Aquinas on Human Self-Knowledge. 1
B765.T54 C76 1980 Les sources de l'abstraction de l'intellect agent dans la Somme de théologie de Thomas d'Aquin / 1
B765.T54 C95 Das Schöne bei Thomas von Aquin. 1
B765.T54 D25 2003 Théologie du dessein divin chez Thomas d'Aquin : finis omnium Ecclesia / 1
B765.T54 D332 2015 Du politique chez Thomas d'Aquin / 1