Call Number (LC) Title Results
B799 .B34 1995 Comparative philosophy : Western, Indian and Chinese philosophies compared / 1
B799 .B46 1997 An introduction to comparative philosophy : a travel guide to philosophical space / 1
B799 .B5313 2008 Crossing horizons : world, self, and language in Indian and Western thought / 1
B799 .B5313 2008eb Crossing horizons : world, self, and language in Indian and Western thought / 1
B799 .B689 2023 Daoism, Dandyism, and Political Correctness 1
B799 .B87 2009 The end of comparative philosophy and the task of comparative thinking : Heidegger, Derrida, and Daoism / 1
B799 .B87 2009eb The end of comparative philosophy and the task of comparative thinking : Heidegger, Derrida, and Daoism / 1
B799 .C23 1992eb Becoming bamboo : western and eastern explorations of the meaning of life / 1
B799 .C37 1992 Becoming bamboo : western and eastern explorations of the meaning of life / 1
B799 .C445 2017 Shi ji zhi jiao de jue ze : lun Zhong xi zhe xue de hui tong yu rong he = Choice at cross of centuries : on interpenetration and integration of Chinese and western philosophy / 1
B799 .C646 2018 Comparative studies in Asian and Latin American philosophies : cross-cultural theories and methodologies / 1
B799 .C65 2015 Conflict and harmony in comparative philosophy : selected works from the 2013 Joint Meeting of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy and the Australasian Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy / 2
B799 .C655 2023eb Contextualizing premodern philosophy : explorations of the Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and Latin traditions / 2
B799 .C66 Philosophies and cultures / 1
B799 .C66 2022 Comparative philosophy and method : contemporary practices and future possibilities. 1
B799 .D3 The meeting of love and knowledge: perennial wisdom. 1
B799 .D37 2022 The meeting of love and knowledge : perennial wisdom / 1
B799 .D384 2015 The Public Sphere From Outside the West. 1
B799 .D54 1989 Philosophy in world perspective : a comparative hermeneutic of the major theories / 2
B799 .F72 2003 Modern philosophy : the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries / 1