Call Number (LC) Title Results
B809.8 .R28 1968 Gesetz und Determination in der Sowjetphilosophie. 1
B809.8 .R39 1998 The algebra of revolution : the dialectic and the classical Marxist tradition / 1
B809.8.R39 1998 B809.8.R39 1998eb Algebra of Revolution : Dialectic and the Classical Marxist Tradition. 1
B809.8 .R39 1998eb The algebra of revolution the dialectic and the classical Marxist tradition / 1
B809.8 .R44 2003 Dang dai shi ye zhong de Makesi = Dangdai shiyezhongde Makesi / 1
B809.8 .R76 1979 Marxism and materialism : a study in Marxist theory of knowledge / 1
B809.8 .R76x 1979 Marxism and materialism : a study in Marxist theory of knowledge / 1
B809.8 .S255 Praxis und Geschichtsbewusstsein : Studie zur materialistischen Dialektik, Erkenntnistheorie und Hermeneutik. 1
B809.8 .S3 Critique de la raison dialectique : précédé de Question de méthode. 1
B809.8 .S324913 Critique of dialectical reason, theory of practical ensembles / 1
B809.8 .S3463 1968 A philosophy of man : [essays. 1
B809.8 .S34713 Marxism and the human individual / 1
B809.8 .S355 Beiträge zur marxistischen Erkenntnistheorie. : Aufsätze von György Markus [u. a.] 1
B809.8 .S39 Philosophy in revolution. 1
B809.8 .S4324 1985 Marxism and the philosophy of science : a critical history / 1
B809.8 .S4324 1993 Marxism and the philosophy of science : a critical history : the first hundred years / 1
B809.8 .S44 2017 Marxism and the philosophy of science : a critical history : the first hundred years / 1
B809.8 .S552 1991 Sobrevivirá el marxismo? / 1
B809.8 .S557 1974 Dialogues on the philosophy of Marxism, from the proceedings of the Society for the Philosophical Study of Dialectical Materialism / 1
B809.8 .S557 1977 Marxism, revolution, and peace : from the proceedings of the Society for the Philosophical Study of Dialectical Materialism / 1