Call Number (LC) Title Results
B825 .J64 2014 Adventures in transcendental materialism : dialogues with contemporary thinkers / 1
B825 .K63 2017 Materialism and Social Inquiry in the Continental Tradition in Philosophy / 1
B825 .L26 2006 After the end of history : the curious fate of American materialism / 1
B825 .L4 1877 The history of materialism and criticism of its present importance / 1
B825 .L4 1892 The history of materialism and criticism of its present importance / 1
B825 .L4 1925 The history of materialism and criticism of its present importance / 1
B825 .L46 2015eb The thought of matter : materialism, conceptuality, and the transcendence of immanence / 1
B825 .L46 2016 The thought of matter : materialism, conceptuality and the transcendence of immanence / 1
B825 .M3  
B825 .M317 1988 Mind and materialism / 1
B825 .M334 2000 Materialism and the mind-body problem / 1
B825 .M35 Sentience / 1
B825 .M352 Man : mind or matter? / 1
B825.M36 2009eb Matérialismes des Modernes : Nature et mœurs. 1
B825 .M38 2003 A physicalist manifesto : thoroughly modern materialism / 1
B825 .M38 2003eb A physicalist manifesto : thoroughly modern materialism / 1
B825 .M384 2016 Matériaux philosophiques et scientifiques pour un matérialisme contemporain,
Matériaux philosophiques et scientifiques pour un matérialisme contemporain.
B825 .M384 2019 Matérialisme(s) en France au XVIIIe siècle : Entre littérature et philosophie. 1
B825 .M5 Materialism and vitalism in biology / 1
B825 .M58 2020 Materialist philosophy of history : a realist antidote to postmodernism / 1