Call Number (LC) Title Results
B827 One true logic : a monist manifesto /
Empiriomonism : essays in philosophy,
Monism science, philosophy, religion, and the history of a worldview /
B827 .A86 2022 Dual-aspect monism and the deep structure of meaning / 1
B827 .B58 Body-mind and creativity. 1
B827 .M42 A pluralidade de consciências : monismo ou pluralismo? 1
B827 .M66 2012 Monism : science, philosophy, religion, and the history of a worldview / 1
B827 .W23 A true monistic philosophy : comprehending the absolute, God, existence, man, society and history. 1
B828 .B3 1954 L'expérience intérieure. 1
B828 .B313 1988 Inner experience / 1
B828 .B318 1972 La experiencia interior : seguida del Método de meditación y del Post-scriptum 1953 / 1
B828.B33 R46 1987 L'"Expérience intérieure" de Georges Bataille, ou, La négation du Mystère / 1
B828 .B6 Four tables of divine revelation signifying what God in himself is, without nature; and how considered in nature; according to the three principles. : Also what heaven, hell, world, time, and eternitie are; together with all creatures visible and invisible: and out of what all things had their original. / 1
B828 .C46 1989 In defense of mystical ideas : support for mystical beliefs from a purely theoretical viewpoint / 1
B828 -- H63 1978eb Beyond Mysticism. 1
B828 .J7 1903 Der ursprung der naturphilosophie aus dem geiste der mystik / 1
B828 .J73 2016 Philosophy of mysticism : raids on the ineffable / 1
B828 .M35 1965 Descenso y ascenso del alma por la belleza / 1
B828 .M85 The theory and art of mysticism / 1
B828 .R3 Essay on the bases of the mystic knowledge / 1
B828 .S31 Mystical experience / 1