Call Number (LC) Title Results
B831.2 .H67 1993 Hou xian dai zhu yi / 1
B831.2 .H7 1996 Zhi shi di shuang ren jian : hou xian dai zhu yi yu dang dai li lun / 1
B831.2 I434 1999 The Permanent Transition. 1
B831.2 .J44 2021 Everything, all the time, everywhere : how we became post-modern / 1
B831.2 .K3 2018eb Ka Osi Sọ Onye 1
B831.2 .K37 2014 Transcending postmodernism / 1
B831.2 .K55 1998 Modern and postmodern strategies : gaming and the question of morality : Adorno, Rorty, Lyotard, and Enzensberger / 1
B831.2 .K66 1997 Knowing other-wise : philosophy at the threshold of spirituality / 1
B831.2 .K66 1997eb Knowing other-wise philosophy at the threshold of spirituality / 1
B831.2.K73 1997eb Modern Postmodern : Off the Beaten Path of Antimodernism. 1
B831.2 .K73 2019eb Are we postmodern yet? : and were we ever? / 1
B831.2 .L38 1997 Latin American postmodernisms / 1
B831.2 .L45 1996 Postmodernism-- : local effects, global flows / 1
B831.2 .L45 1996eb Postmodernism : local effects, global flows / 1
B831.2 .L48 2000 Being up-to-date : Foucault, Sartre, and postmodernity / 1
B831.2 .L48 2001 Being up-to-date : Foucault, Sartre, and postmodernity / 1
B831.2 .L56 1996 A teacher's introduction to postmodernism / 1
B831.2 .L82 2007 Chinese modernity and global biopolitics : studies in literature and visual culture / 1
B831.2 .L86 1995 Reason, truth and self : the postmodern reconditioned / 1
B831.2 .L86 1995eb Reason, truth, and self : the postmodern reconditioned / 2