Call Number (LC) Title Results
B832 -- W47 2005eb Democratic Hope. 1
B832 .W5 Pragmatism and the American mind; essays and reviews in philosophy and intellectual history
Pragmatism and the American mind : essays and reviews in philosophy and intellectual history /
B832 ebook El giro pragmático /
EL PRAGMATISMO COMO METODO DE FORMACION DE CATEGORIAS calibrando el foco en la investigacion social.
Al hilo del pragmatismo /
Hombre, signo y cosmos : la filosofía de Charles S. Peirce /
B832.2 Action learning /
HabitusAnalysis 2 -- Praxeology and Meaning /
Praxeologie in der Historischen Bildungsforschung : Möglichkeiten und Grenzen eines Forschungsansatzes /
B832.2 .A27 1998 Action learning / 1
B832.2 A449 2017 The Roots of Praxiology : French Action Theory from Bourdeau and Espinas to Present Days / 1
B832.2 .E28 2016 Praxiology and the reasons for action / 1
B832.2 .E28 2016eb Praxiology and the reasons for action / 1
B832.2 G377 2017 French and Other Perspectives in Praxiology / 1
B832.2 N347 2017 Praxiology and Pragmatism / 1
B832.2 .P735 2017 Praxiological essays : texts and contexts / 1
B832.2 .P77 2002 Praxiology and pragmatism / 1
B832.2 .R66 2000 The roots of praxiology : French action theory from Bourdeau and Espinas to present days / 1
B832.3 .J65 The private language argument / 1
B832.3 .N54 2016 The evolution of the private language argument / 1
B832.3 .S58 Can there be a private language? : An examination of some principal arguments / 1
B833 Rationality and Cognition Against Relativism-Pragmatism
Reasons First /
Planning, time, and self-governance : essays in practical rationality /
In defense of intuitions : a new rationalist manifesto /
The value of rationality /
The territories of human reason : science and theology in an age of multiple rationalities /
Critics of enlightenment rationalism revisited /
Unsettled thoughts : a theory of degrees of rationality /
Critics of Enlightenment rationalism
The impact of critical rationalism : expanding the Popperian legacy through the works of Ian C. Jarvie /
Patterns of rationality : recurring inferences in science, social cognition and religious thinking /
The rationalism of Georg Lukács /
Encouraging openness : essays for Joseph Agassi on the occasion of his 90th birthday /
Defending Descartes in Brandenburg-Prussia : the University of Frankfurt an der Oder in the seventeenth century /
Man the rational animal : questions and arguments /
Bad beliefs : why they happen to good people /
Alienation and value-neutrality
B833 .A266 2012 A Companion to Rationalism. 1
B833 .A45 1966 Gōri shugi / 1
B833 .B37 1984 The retreat to commitment / 2