Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BD101 .S27 | Transnatural philosophy, or, Metaphysicks demonstrating the essences and operations of all beings whatever ... and shewing the perfect conformity of Christian faith to right reason, and the unreasonableness of atheists ... and other sectaries : with an appendix giving a rational explication of the mystery of the most B. Trinity / | 1 |
BD101 .W54 |
Brevissimum metaphysicae compendium, secundum mentem nominalium Brevissimum metaphysicæ compendium, secundum mentem nominalium. |
2 |
BD102 .D92 1992 | La métaphysique, ou Science surnaturelle / | 1 |
BD111 |
Metaphysics, sophistry, and illusion : toward a widespread non-factualism / Empiricism and the problem of metaphysics / Metaphysics of consciousness the Indian Vedantic perspective / Process metaphysics and mutative life sketches of lived time / Macroscopic metaphysics : middle-sized objects and longish processes / A secular absolute how modern philosophy discovered authenticity / Death, time and the other ethics at the limit of metaphysics / Meta-metaphysics : on metaphysical equivalence, primitiveness, and theory choice / Oxford studies in metaphysics. What is this thing called metaphysics? / ECOLOGICAL SELF. A plea for naturalistic metaphysics : why analytic metaphysics is not enough / The question of being in Western and African analytic metaphysics comparative metaphysics using the analytic framework / The intelligible world : metaphysics and value / Philosophy' - After the End of Philosophy : In a Globalizing and Glocalizing World. Essential difference : toward a metaphysics of emergence / Composition as identity / Knowing and being in ancient philosophy / The elements and patterns of being : essays in metaphysics / Phenomenal presence / Scientific metaphysics Levels of reality in science and philosophy : re-examining the multi-level structure of reality / The actual and the possible : modality and metaphysics in modern philosophy / Individuals an essay in descriptive metaphysics / What is this thing called metaphysics? Metaphysics as Christology : an odyssey of the self from Kant and Hegel to Steiner / A secular absolute : how modern philosophy discovered authenticity / Necessity and Truthful Fictions : Panenmentalist Observations. Ontology, modality, and mind : themes from the metaphysics of E.J. Lowe / One : being an investigation into the unity of reality and of its parts, including the singular object which is nothingness / Mind, values, and metaphysics. philosophical essays in honor of Kevin Mulligan / Riddles of existence : a guided tour of metaphysics / Meaning diminished : toward metaphysically modest semantics / The Fall and hypertime / The politics of metaphysics Metaphysics and cognitive science / Objects : nothing out of the ordinary / Cuts and clouds vagueness, its nature, and its logic / The temporality of determinacy : functional relations in metaphysics and science / Making objects and events : a hylomorphic theory of artifacts, actions, and organisms / The tools of metaphysics and the metaphysics of science / The logical structure of kinds / The powers metaphysic / A metaphysics of platonic universals and their instantiations shadow of universals / Marking the centenary of Samuel Alexander's space, time and deity Continuants : their activity, their being, and their identity / Experience and beyond the outline of a Darwinian metaphysics / Science in metaphysics exploring the metaphysics of properties and laws / The Rule-Following Paradox and its Implications for Metaphysics / Properties, powers and structures : issues in the metaphysics of realism / Toward a metaphysics of culture / PHYSIS, BIOPOWER, AND BIOTHERMODYNAMICS the fire of life. The Structure of Metaphysics / A phenomenological revision of E.E. Harris's dialectical holism STUDIES IN METAPHILOSOPHY Everyday metaphysical explanation / Artefact kinds : ontology and the human-made world / Modal logic as metaphysics / Time, identity and the self essays on metaphysics / The atlas of reality : a comprehensive guide to metaphysics / Discours de métaphysique / Can different cultures think the same thoughts? : a comparative study in metaphysics and ethics / Non-reflexive logics, non-individuals, and the philosophy of quantum mechanics : essays in honour of the philosophy of Décio Krause / Delimitations Phenomenology and the End of Metaphysics. Metaphysics and belief / Alexius Meinong, the shepherd of non-being / The primacy of metaphysics / Leibniz's metaphysics and adoption of substantial forms between continuity and transformation / The unknowable : a study in nineteenth-century British metaphysics / METAPHYSICAL DUALISM, SUBJECTIVE IDEALISM, AND EXISTENTIAL LONELINESS : matter and mind. John Dewey's metaphysical theory / |
78 |
BD111.A | Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, 1. | 1 |
BD111.A26 .Q3 | Quaestio : annuario di storia della metafisica. | 1 |
BD111 .A4 | The problem of metaphysics and the meaning of metaphysical explanation ; an essay in definitions. | 1 |
BD111.A4 .F766 2018 | From arithmetic to metaphysics : a path through philosophical logic / | 2 |
BD111 .A47 2001 | A sensible metaphysical realism / | 1 |
BD111 .A47 2001eb | A sensible metaphysical realism / | 2 |
BD111 .A48 2001 | A metaphysics for the future / | 1 |
BD111 .A48 2018 | A metaphysics for the future / | 1 |
BD111 .A483 2002 | Space, time and the ethical foundations / | 1 |
BD111 .A66 2004 | Approaches to metaphysics / | 1 |
BD111 .A67 2009 | Arguing about metaphysics / | 1 |
BD111 A958 2011eb | ||
BD111 .A96 1985eb | Metaphysics : the elements / | 2 |
BD111 .B15 1974 | Metaphysics : an introduction / | 1 |
BD111 .B15 1974b | Metaphysics : an introduction / | 1 |
BD111 .B18 2000 | Landscapes of wisdom : in search of a spirituality of knowing / | 1 |