Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BD265 .T46 2017 | Thought experiments between nature and society : a festschrift for Nenad Miščević / | 1 |
BD265 .T465 2012eb |
Thought experiments in philosophy, science, and the arts Thought experiments in philosophy, science, and the arts / |
2 |
BD265 .T465 2013 | Thought experiments in philosophy, science, and the arts / | 1 |
BD265 .T57 2016 | What if ... : collected thought experiments in philosophy / | 1 |
BD300-450 |
Language, Truth and Ontology / Modality and Meaning. Rationality, Rules, and Structure Reforging the Great Chain of Being : Studies of the History of Modal Theories / Passionate Deliberation : Emotion, Temperance, and the Care Ethic in Clinical Moral Deliberation / Studies in Process Philosophy I / Haecceity : an Ontological Essay / Nonexistent Objects : Meinong and Contemporary Philosophy / Character, Liberty, and Law : Kantian Essays in Theory and Practice / Phenomenology and Ontology / Algebra of Conscience : Revised Edition with a Second Part with a new Foreword by Anatol Rapoport / Moral Beliefs and Moral Theory / The School of Franz Brentano / Process Theories : Crossdisciplinary Studies in Dynamic Categories / Reflective Equilibrium : Essays in Honour of Robert Heeger / Wholes, Sums and Unities / Imperceptible Harms and Benefits / Modality and Meaning / Adam de Wodeham: Tractatus de Indivisibilibus : a Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation, and Textual Notes / Dimensions of Dignity : the Moral Importance of Being Human / Justice, Rights, and Tort Law / Phenomenological Approaches to Moral Philosophy : a Handbook / Business Ethics in Theory and Practice : Contributions from Asia and New Zealand / Personal and Moral Identity / The Importance of Time : Proceedings of the Philosophy of Time Society, 1995-2000 / Neurosis and Assimilation : Contemporary Revisions on The Life of the Concept / Trading Ontology for Ideology the Interplay of Logic, Set Theory and Semantics in Quine's Philosophy / |
28 |
BD300 .B64 1767 | Metaphysica in usum auditorii sui ordine scientifico / | 1 |
BD300 .B76 2017 | The hegemony of psychopathy / | 2 |
BD300 .W9 | Summa de ente : libri primi tractatus primus et secundus. | 1 |
BD300 .W9 1956 | Johannis Wyclif Summa de ente : libri primi tractatus primus et secundus / | 1 |
BD300.W93 R6 | Wyclif and the Oxford schools : the relation of the "Summa de ente" to scholastic debates at Oxford in the later fourteenth century. | 1 |
BD300 ebook | Merleau-Ponty lector de Proust : lenguaje y verdad / | 1 |
BD301 | The language of ontology / | 1 |
BD301 .G85 2020 | Singularities at the threshold : the ontology of unrest / | 1 |
BD301 .H54 2008 | Idea and ontology : an essay in early modern metaphysics of ideas / | 1 |
BD301 .P446 2023 | Phenomenological ontology of breathing : the respiratory primacy of being / | 1 |
BD305 ebook | La esencia del hombre. | 1 |
BD306 .F76 2003 | From an ontological point of view / | 1 |
BD311 |
Judaism, philosophy, and psychoanalysis in Heidegger's ontology : harrowing the heath / The language of ontology / Ontological Landscapes : Recent Thought on Conceptual Interfaces Between Science and Philosophy. On Explaining Existence. Ontology. Fundamentals of Ontological Commitment. Digital Stockholm syndrome in the post-ontological Age Noneist explorations. Being necessary : themes of ontology and modality from the work of Bob Hale / Potentiality : from dispositions to modality / Inexhaustibility and human being : an essay on locality / Formal ontology / Aristotle's De generatione et corruptione / The double lives of objects : an essay in the metaphysics of the ordinary world / Ontology after Carnap / The meaning of something : rethinking the logic and the unity of the ontology / The ontology of gods : an account of enchantment, disenchantment, and re-enchantment / Being, humanity, and understanding Comparative metaphysics : ontology after anthropology / Thomasson on ontology / |
21 |
BD311 .A44 | Moore and Ryle : two ontologists / | 1 |
BD311 .A48 1979 | A history of western ontology : from Thales to Heidegger / | 1 |