Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BD418.8 .S25 2015eb | Alien agency : experimental encounters with art in the making / | 2 |
BD418.8 ebook | Mundos bioinmersivos : la creatividad en evolución / | 1 |
BD418.84 ebook | The emergence of mind in a physical world / | 1 |
BD419 .B8 | The spirit of man : great stories and experiences of spiritual crisis, inspiration, and the joy of life / | 1 |
BD420 | Soul and mind in Greek thought : psychological issues in Plato and Aristotle / | 1 |
BD420 .B86 1657 | Two excellent discourses physical and philosophical. Viz. The exhibiting the cure of diseases by signature, &c. Also a vindication of the souls prerogative. | 1 |
BD420 .C42 | The immortality of the human soul, demonstrated by the light of nature in two dialogues / | 2 |
BD420 .E86 | Enchyridion physicæ restitutæ, or, The summary of physicks recovered wherein the true harmony of nature is explained, and many errours of the ancient philosophers, by canons and certain demonstrations, are clearly evidenced and evinced. | 2 |
The philosophicall touch-stone, or, Observations upon Sir Kenelm Digbie's Discourses of the nature of bodies and of the reasonable soule in which his erroneous paradoxes are refuted, the truth, and Aristotelian philosophy vindicated, the immortality of mans soule briefly, but sufficiently proved, and the weak fortifications of a late Amsterdam ingeneer, patronizing the soules mortality, briefly slighted / Of bodies and of mans soul to discover the immortality of reasonable souls : with two discourses, Of the powder of sympathy, and, Of the vegetation of plants / The infancie of the soule, or, The soule of an infant A subiect neuer yet treated of by any. Which sheweth the infusion there of whiles that the infant resteth in the wombe: the time when, with the manner how. Gathered from the boosome of trueth; begunne in loue, and finished in the desire to posit others. The contnets are in the next page following. / |
3 |
BD420. J43 1995 | Summa de anima / | 1 |
BD420 .L33 | Doctrinæ antiquæ de naturâ animæ, & diverso ejus diversis temporibus statu nova instauratio quæ ad exercitationes summi philosophi P. Gassendi contra Aristoteleos, pro appendice : et ad librum Th. ex Albijs, de medio animarum statu, responsionis vice esse possit : ad humani intellectùs emancipationem, & à vernaculis sophistarum illusionibus cordatorum virorum vindicationem / | 1 |
BD420 .N54 2011 |
Agostino Nifo De intellectu. Agostino Nifo De intellectu / |
2 |
BD420 .P677 2011eb | Porphyry : to Gaurus on how embryos are ensouled and on what is in our power / | 1 |
BD421 |
The Concept of the Soul : Scientific and Religious Perspectives / Staying alive : the varieties of immortality / What is soul? / Prospects for immortality : a sensible search for life after death / Questions on the soul by John Buridan and others : a companion to John Buridan's philosophy of mind / Revolutionary bio-politics from Fedorov to Mao / |
7 |
BD421 .A33 2003 | Prospects for immortality : a sensible search for life after death / | 1 |
BD421 .B33 1986 | Death of the soul : from Descartes to the computer / | 2 |
BD421 .C2 | The drama of love and death : a study of human evolution and transfiguration / | 1 |
BD421 .D6 1967 | Philosophical anthropology / | 1 |
BD421 .D76 | A critical examination of the belief in a life after death. | 1 |
BD421 .F5 | Immortal longings / | 1 |