Call Number (LC) Title Results
BD438.5 .A48 2013 The fractured self in Freud and German philosophy 1
BD438.5 .A66 1993 Everyday spirits / 1
BD438.5 .A68 2001 Selfhood and authenticity / 1
BD438.5 .A73 2009 Dignos de su arte : sujeto y lazo social en el Perú de las primeras décadas del siglo XX / 1
BD438.5 .B37 2004 Speaking my mind : expression and self-knowledge / 1
BD438.5 .B37 2004eo Speaking my mind : expression and self-knowledge / 1
BD438.5 .B465 2018 The bodily self : selected essays / 1
BD438.5 .B465 2018eb The bodily self : selected essays on self-consciousness / 2
BD438.5 .B55 2006 Self-knowledge and resentment / 1
BD438.5 .B64 2021 Why me? : the sociocultural evolution of a self-reflective mind / 2
BD438.5 .B686 2020 Ostranenie: On Shame and Knowing 1
BD438.5 .B78 2012 Debating self-knowledge / 1
BD438.5 .B78 2012eb Debating self-knowledge / 1
BD438.5 .B84 2011 Know thyself : an essay in social personalism / 1
BD438.5 .B88 1997 The psychic life of power : theories in subjection / 1
BD438.5 .B8815 2001 Psyche der Macht : das Subjekt der Unterwerfung / 1
BD438.5 .B97 2018 Transparency and self-knowledge / 1
BD438.5 .C35 1999 The paradox of subjectivity : the self in the transcendental tradition / 1
BD438.5.C35 1999 BD438.5 BD438.5.C35 1998 The Paradox of Subjectivity : the Self in the Transcendental Tradition. 1
BD438.5 .C353 2011 The opacity of mind : an integrative theory of self-knowledge / 1