Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BD444 .V45 | Sociology of death : an analysis of death-related behavior / | 1 |
BD444 .V63 1983 | La mort et l'Occident, de 1300 à nos jours / | 1 |
BD444 .V64 | Mourir autrefois; attitudes collectives devant la mort aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles / | 1 |
BD444 .W337 1997 | Packing for the big trip : enhancing your life through awareness of death / | 1 |
BD444 .W53 2001 | Socrates, Lucretius, Camus : two philosophical traditions on death / | 1 |
BD444 .W56 | Der personal verstandene Tod : Todeserfahrung als Selbsterfahrung. | 1 |
BD444 .W97 1973 | The phenomenon of death : faces of mortality. | 1 |
BD444 .W974 1985 | Spirit in ashes : Hegel, Heidegger, and man-made mass death / | 1 |
BD444 .Y56 1997 | Lin jie si wang / | 1 |
BD444 .Z458 2010 | Sheng si gui shen yu shan e bao ying de si xiang lun zheng / | 1 |
BD444 ebook |
Cinco meditaciones sobre la muerte / Muerte y alteridad Ayudar a morir : con un prefacio y doce tesis de John Berger / Pensar la muerte. Ante el dolor y la muerte : paisajes de un viaje hacia el misterio / La soledad de los moribundos / La muerte / |
7 |
BD445 .B7 1962 | Black ship to hell. | 1 |
BD445 .N68 1975 | Suicide and morality : the theories of Plato, Aquinas, and Kant and their relevance for suicidology / | 1 |
BD445 .S74 2020 | Philosophical perspectives on suicide : Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Wittgenstein / | 1 |
BD445 .S93 | Suicide, the philosophical issues / | 2 |
BD450 |
Eutopia : new philosophy and new law for a troubled world / The human : bare life and ways of life / A biography of ordinary man : on authorities and minorities / Beyond liminality : ontologies of abundant betweenness / Options and agency / Theorizing the anthropology of belief : magic, conspiracies, and misinformation / Impersonations Troubling the Person in Law and Culture / Selbsterkenntnis und Lebensform : Kritische Subjektivität Nach Wittgenstein und Foucault. Impurezas : Trazos de una Antropología Filosófica. A transformation journey to creative and alternative planetary futures / Agents' Abilities The subject of consciousness / ESTACIONES DEL LABERINTO;ENSAYOS DE ANTROPOLOGIA. The Vygotsky anthology : a selection from his key writings / Imperfection / Self-Identity and Personal Autonomy : an analytical anthropology / Humean nature : how desire explains action, thought, and feeling / Viaggio intorno all'uomo. The construction of human kinds / Le Domaine Humain / The Human Context : Der Mensch und Seine Welt / Hombre Y Sociedad / Il Mondo Vissuto Dell'Uomo / SYSTEMS VIEW OF MAN. Intellectual entertainments : eight dialogues on mind, consciousness and thought / Critical posthumanism : planetary futures / Oxford studies in agency and responsibility. The shape of agency : control, action, skill, knowledge / Essentially Speaking : Feminism, Nature and Difference / Animalism : new essays on persons, animals, and identity / The philosophical animal on zoopoetics and interspecies cosmopolitanism / Filosofía en un mundo global estereotipos, transacciones y rupturas / Praxis And Action : Contemporary Philosophies Of Human Activity. The intellectual powers : a study of human nature / From plural to institutional agency : collective action. Science, Truth, and Democracy. The Sexual History of the Global South : Sexual Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The sovereignty of taste / Human : a history / Personalist Anthropology. Empowerment through agency enhancement : an interdisciplinary exploration / On being someone : a Christian point of view / Reflecting on reflexivity : the human condition as an ontological surprise / Place Meant : Hermeneutic Landscapes of the Spatial Self. Global Philosophy : What Philosophy Ought to Be. Design, Mediation, and the Posthuman / Social Roots of Self-Consciousness : Psychological and Philosophical Contributions. Existential anthropology;events, exigencies, and effects. The Epistemology and Morality of Human Kinds What is essential to being human? : can AI robots not share it? / The animal inside : essays at the intersection of philosophical anthropology and animal studies / The bungle book : some errors by which we live / The clock is stopping : a discourse for our time. A history of anthropology as a holistic science / Recovering the personal : the philosophical anthropology of William H. Poteat / edited by Dale W. Cannon and Ronald L. Hall. Awareness in Action : Self-Awareness and Group Process / As wide as the world is wise : new directions in philosophical anthropology / Tres modelos contemporaneos de agencia humana un estudio sobre la motivacion y la deliberacion moral. The intellectual powers a study of human nature / Against authenticity : why you shouldn't be yourself / Thinking the body as a basis, provocation and burden of life Studies in intercultural and historical contexts. Persons : theories and perceptions / Inhuman nature / Towards a philosophical anthropology of culture : naturalism, relativism, and skepticism / Autonomie der Geisteswissenschaften : Studien zur Philosophie Wilhelm Diltheys, Zweiter Band Dilthey im philosophie- und wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Kontext / Parques, rutas y murallas mentales : narrativas epistemológicas de una conciencia afectada / La liberté (Fiche notion) : - Comprendre la philosophie. On purpose : how we create the meaning of life / Existential anthropology : events, exigencies and effects / Agency and answerability selected essays / Marxism and the individual Encrucijadas interdisciplinarias / A Brief Introduction to the Study of Human Nature : Giulio Aleni / The philosophy of action : an introduction / |
75 |
BD450 .A288 1997 | Pensar lo Humano Actas Del II Congreso Nacional de Antropología Filosófica. Madrid, Septiembre De 1996. | 1 |
BD450 .A3 | The difference of man and the difference it makes / | 1 |
BD450 .A3613 2004 | The open : man and animal / | 1 |
BD450 .A3613 2004eb | The open : man and animal / | 1 |