Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF1078 .B67 2007eb Embodiment : creative imagination in medicine, art, and travel / 1
BF1078 .B77 1967 Traum und Traumdeutung im Alterhume / 1
BF1078 .B779 2016 Big dreams : the science of dreaming and the origins of religion / 1
BF1078 .B779 2016eb Big dreams : the science of dreaming and the origins of religion / 1
BF1078 .B78 1997 An introduction to the psychology of dreaming / 1
BF1078 .C2317 1957 La incertidumbre que nos dejan los sueños / 1
BF1078 .C27 Dreams and symbols : man's unconscious language / 1
BF1078 .C279 2020 The Chinese dreamscape, 300 BCE-800 CE / 1
BF1078 .C43 2022  
BF1078 .C448 2017 A Dictionary for Dreamers / 1
BF1078 .C53 2009 Social dreaming in the 21st century : the world we are losing / 1
BF1078 .C66 2000 Sueños, memorias y asociaciones : a cien años de "La interpretación de los sueños" / 1
BF1078 .C67 1990 Visions of the night : a study of Jewish dream interpretation / 1
BF1078 .C69 1976 Dreams : visions of the night / 1
BF1078.C74 2010 The Creativity of Social Dreaming. 1
BF1078 .C86 1992 Sacred sleep : dreams & the divine / 1
BF1078 .D34 The shadow world a study of ancient and modern dream theories. 1
BF1078 .D37 1959 Dreams and personality dynamics. 1
BF1078 .D55 2018 Understanding the dream sociogram : transformational patterns of intrasocial preference / 2
BF1078 .D576 2017 The emergence of dreaming : mind-wandering, embodied simulation, and the default network / 1