Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF109.V95 R63 2001 Vygotsky's psychology-philosophy : a metaphor for language theory and learning / 2
BF109.V95S74 2016 The transformative mind : expanding Vygotsky's approach to development and education / 1
BF109.V95 V44 1991 Understanding Vygotsky : a quest for synthesis / 1
BF109.V95 V9474 2017eb Vygotsky and Marx : towards a Marxist psychology / 2
BF109.V95 W47 1985 Vygotsky and the social formation of mind / 2
BF109.V95 W56 2002 A vision of Vygotsky / 2
BF109.V95 Y37 2015 Revisionist revolution in Vygotsky studies : the state of the art / 1
BF109.W37 Beyond reasoning : the life, times and work of Peter Wason, pioneering psychologist / 1
BF109.W39 B83 1989 Mechanical man : John Broadus Watson and the beginnings of behaviorism / 1
BF109.W39 C63 J. B. Watson, the founder of behaviourism : a biography / 1
BF109.W39 M63 1994 Modern perspectives on John B. Watson and classical behaviorism / 1
BF109.W42 Edoardo Weiss : the house that Freud built / 1
BF109.W43 H45 2005 Heinz Werner and developmental science / 3
BF109.W44 A3 1999 The listener : a psychoanalyst examines his life / 2
BF109.W47 Max Wertheimer and Gestalt theory / 1
BF109.W47 K56 2005 Max Wertheimer & Gestalt theory / 1
BF109.W474 W47 2020 Facets of an academic's life : a memoir / 1
BF109.W54 F34 2009 Norman Einstein : the dis-integration of Ken Wilber / 1
BF109.W54 R49 2004 Embracing reality : the integral vision of Ken Wilber : a historical survey and chapter-by-chapter guide of Wilber's major works / 2
BF109.W54 R495 2006 Where's Wilber at? : Ken Wilber's integral vision in the new millennium / 2