Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF1141 .S567 2017 Hypnosis : Developments in Research and New Perspectives / 1
BF1141 .S63 The rationale of mesmerism / 1
BF1141 .T44 1991 Theories of hypnosis : current models and perspectives / 1
BF1141.T75 2000 Transpersonal Hypnosis. 1
BF1141 .U36 1987 Handbook of hypnosis for professionals / 1
BF1141 .U36 1992 Handbook of hypnosis for professionals / 1
BF1141 .W717 Dictionary of hypnosis / 1
BF1142 .B38 1924 Qu'est-ce que la suggestion? : exposé historique et critique / 1
BF1142 .B4 Automatisme et suggestion 1
BF1142 .B67 1984 Hypnoses / 2
BF1142 .D313 1969 The powers of hypnosis / 1
BF1143 .H44 1993 Hypnose und Schamanismus : eine Untersuchung der europäischen und aussereuropäischen Trancetechniken / 1
BF1143 .M72 1958 The study of hypnosis : historical, clinical, and experimental research in the techniques of hypnotic induction. Introd. by J. H. Conn. 1
BF1148.H8 V63 1966a Hypnosis of man and animals : with special reference to the development of the brain in the species and the individual. 1
BF1152 .W27 1981 Hypnosis, compliance, and belief / 1
BF1156.I53 H86 1996 Hypnosis and imagination 1
BF1156.R45 L36 1996 Echoes from the battlefield : first-person accounts of Civil War past lives / 2
BF1156.S6 H84 2015 That devil's trick : hypnotism and the Victorian popular imagination / 1
BF1156.S8 A73 1901 Sugestión : su importancia religiosa, moral y jurídica en el individuo y en la colectividad ; estudio psíco-fisiológico. 1