Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BF1471 .H83 2017eb | Ghosts, landscapes and social memory / | 1 |
BF1471 .R48 2009 | Rethinking ghosts in world religions / | 1 |
BF1471 .R48 2009eb | Rethinking ghosts in world religions / | 1 |
BF1472 |
Haunted Put-In-Bay. Jeffrey's Latest Thirteen : More Alabama Ghosts, Commemorative Edition. |
2 |
BF1472.A68 M33 2018 | The spectral Arctic : a history of dreams and ghosts in polar exploration / | 1 |
BF1472.B4 T7 1692 | A true and impartial relation of a wonderful apparition that happen'd in the royal camp in Flanders, the beginning of this instant September, 1692, concerning King William. / | 1 |
BF1472.C2 T425 2014eb | Lieux hantés : le mystère élucidé / | 1 |
BF1472.C6 | Believing in ghosts and spirits : the concept of Gui in Ancient China / | 1 |
BF1472.C6 C6 1690 | The mournful widow, or, A full and true relation of the aparition [sic] in Baldwins Garden being an account of the walking-spirit of Mr. Thomas Cooke, sometime stone-cutter in Baldwin's Gardens, deceased. | 1 |
BF1472.C6 L5 1993 | Gui yu shi jie : Zhongguo chuan tong wen hua dui gui di ren shi / | 1 |
BF1472.C6 X823 2020 | Ming jie bai gui / | 1 |
BF1472 .D3 | The devil of Deptford. Being a true relation of the strange disturbances, ludicrous feats, and malicious pranks of an evil spirit in the house of Mr. G. living in Back-Lane at Deptford near London, in April and May 1699. The truth whereof is known, and can be attested by a great number of the inhabitants of that town. / | 1 |
BF1472.E5 W6 1681 | The wonderful blazing star with the dreadful apparition of two armies in the air. The one out of the north, the other out of the south, as in the figure shown above is represented. | 1 |
BF1472.E53 L57 2016 | Co-habiting with ghosts : knowledge, experience, belief and the domestic uncanny / | 1 |
BF1472.E53 .L576 2014eb | Co-habiting with ghosts : knowledge, experience, belief and the domestic uncanny / | 1 |
BF1472.E53 S55 2007 | Haunted West End theatres / | 1 |
BF1472.E53 S87 | Strange and true news from Long-Ally in More-Fields, Southwark, and Wakefield in Yorkshire 1. The wonderful and miraculous appearance of the ghost of Griffin Davis (at the house of Mr. Watkins in Long-Ally) to his daughter Susan Davis ... 2. A more exact relation of the strruge [sic] appearance of the ghost of Mr. Powel near the Faulcon ... 3. The heavy judgment of God shewed on Jane Morris a widdow near Wakefield in Yorkshiere [sic] ... / | 1 |
BF1472.E85 M43 2001 | Medieval ghost stories : an anthology of miracles, marvels and prodigies / | 1 |
BF1472.E85 M43 2001eb | Medieval ghost stories : an anthology of miracles, marvels, and prodigies / | 1 |
BF1472.F5 C36 | A true and impartial relation of a wonderful apparition that happen'd in the royal camp in Flanders, the beginning of this instant September, 1692, concerning King William / | 2 |