Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF1576 .K37 1987 The devil in the shape of a woman : witchcraft in colonial New England / 1
BF1576 .K37 1998 The devil in the shape of a woman : witchcraft in colonial New England / 1
BF1576 .M34 Witches & historians : interpretations of Salem / 1
BF1576 .M69 2020 Detestable and wicked arts : New England and witchcraft in the early modern Atlantic world / 2
BF1576 .M69 2021 Detestable and wicked arts : New England and witchcraft in the early modern Atlantic world / 1
BF1576 .M9 Witch hill: a history of Salem witchcraft. Including illustrative sketches of persons and places. 1
BF1576 .P88 1881 Witchcraft of New England explained by modern spiritualism. 1
BF1576 .R63 1992 Salem witchcraft and Hawthorne's House of the seven gables / 1
BF1576 .R67 1993 Salem story : reading the witch trials of 1692 / 1
BF1576 .R675 2017 Before Salem : witch hunting in the Connecticut River Valley, 1647-1663 / 1
BF1576 .S43 1995 Witch-children : from Salem witch-hunts to modern courtrooms / 3
BF1576 .S64 1998 Spellbound : women and witchcraft in America / 1
BF1576 .S8 1952 The Devil in Massachusetts, a modern inquiry into the Salem witch trials. 1
BF1576 .S8 1963 The devil in Massachusetts : a modern inquiry into the Salem Witch Trials / 1
BF1576 .S8 1969 The Devil in Massachusetts : a modern enquiry into the Salem witch trials / 1
BF1576 .U56 Salem, witchcraft : with an account of Salem village, and a history of opinions on witchcraft and kindred subjects / 1
BF1576 .U65 Lectures on witchcraft, comprising a history of the delusion in Salem, in 1692 / 1
BF1576 .U65 1831 Lectures on witchcraft, comprising a history of the delusion in Salem, in 1692 / 1
BF1576 .U65 1831i Lectures on witchcraft, comprising a history of the delusion in Salem, in 1692 1
BF1576 .U65 1867i Salem witchcraft with an account of Salem village, and a history of opinions on witchcraft and kindred subjects / 1