Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF1584.S7 eBook Artes maleficorum : brujas, magos y demonios en el Siglo de Oro / 1
BF1584.S7 ebook Brujería y aquelarres en el mundo hispánico : una antropología de contrastes / 1
BF1584.S7 F47 2017 Brujería y aquelarres en el mundo hispánico : una antropología de contrastes / 1
BF1584.S7 G55 1992 Inquisición y brujería / 1
BF1584.S7 H66 2022 Village infernos and witches' advocates : witch-hunting in Navarre, 1608-1614 / 1
BF1584.S7 K58 2009 Servants of Satan and masters of demons : the Spanish Inquisition's trials for superstition, Valencia and Barcelona, 1478-1700 / 1
BF1584.S7 S65 2014 Les bruixes es pentinen : mitologia i realitat de la bruixeria catalana / 1
BF1584.S7 T38 2014 Urban magic in early modern Spain : abracadabra omnipotens / 1
BF1584.S7 T65 Brujería y la superstición en Cataluña / 1
BF1584.S7 W55 2019 Invoking the Akelarre : voices of the accused in the Basque witch-craze, 1609-1614 / 1
BF1584.S8 M35 2021 Premodern beliefs and witch trials in a Swedish province, 1669-1672 / 1
BF1584.S85 V36 2009 Magic, body, and the self in eighteenth-century Sweden / 1
BF1584.S85 V36 2009eb Magic, body, and the self in eighteenth-century Sweden / 1
BF1584.S9 M39 1988 Il martirio delle streghe : una nuova drammatica testimonianza dell'Inquizione laica del Seicento / 1
BF1584.U55 A58 2012 Koldovstvo : dokumenty, prot︠s︡essy, issledovanie / 1
BF1584.W5 B4 1970 Obeah : witchcraft in the West Indies. 1
BF1584.W5 W5 1932 Voodoos and obeahs : phases of West India witchcraft / 1
BF1584.W5 W5 1970 Voodoos and obeahs : phases of West India witchcraft. 1
BF1585 .A42 1992 The Hermetica : an annotated bibliography / 1
BF1585 .S52 Shamanic applications review : a journal of religious resources in psychotherapy. 1