Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF1595 .G46 2006 Generation hex / 1
BF1595 .P47 2008 Performing magic on the western stage from the eighteenth century to the present /
Performing magic on the western stage : from the eighteenth century to the present /
BF1595 .Q35 1997 The only tradition / 1
BF1595 .Q35 1997eb The only tradition / 1
BF1595 .S95 1986 Spanish Christian Cabala : the works of Luis de León, Santa Teresa de Jesús, and San Juan de la Cruz / 2
BF1595 .T563 2014 Magic and masculinity : ritual magic and gender in the early modern era / 1
BF1595 .T563 2014eb Magic and masculinity : ritual magic and gender in the early modern era / 1
BF1595 .W47 Hermeticism and the scientific revolution / 1
BF1596 .N3 1712a Apologie pour les grands hommes soupçonnez de magie / 1
BF1597 .G5 The master magicians : their lives and most famous tricks / 1
BF1597 .G68 1834 Lives of the necromancers, or, An account of the most eminent persons in successive ages, who have claimed for themselves, or to whom has been imputed by others, the exercise of magical power / 1
BF1598 .A27 1665 Henry Cornelius Agrippa his fourth book of occult philosophy of geomancie, magical elements of Peter de Aban : astronomical geomancie ; the nature of spirits ; Arbatel of magick ; the species or several kindes of magick / 2
BF1598.A3 O4 1533a De occulta philosophia / 1
BF1598.A3 O8 1970 Opera / 1
BF1598.A4 B4 Enrique Cornelio Agrippa : filósofo, astrólogo y cronista de Carlos V. / 1
BF1598.A4 (INTERNET) Henry Cornelius Agrippa's fourth book of occult philosophy and geomancy magical elements of Peter de Abano : astronomical geomancy : the nature of spirits : and Arbatel of magick / 1
BF1598.A4 N3 Agrippa and the crisis of Renaissance thought / 1
BF1598.A4 P7 1881a Les sciences et les arts occultes au XVIe siècle. : Corneille Agrippa, sa vie et ses œuvres / 1
BF1598.A6 S73 1953 Albertus Magnus autographum Upsaliense (II Sent. dist. 3 a. 6-dist. 4 art. 1) / 1
BF1598.C2 M33 2003 The last alchemist : Count Cagliostro, master of magic in the age of reason / 1