Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF1708.1 .M37 2004 World astrology : the astrologer's quest to understand the human character / 1
BF1708.1 .W533 2004eb Astrology, science and culture : pulling down the moon / 1
BF1708.1 ebook LA ASTROLOGIA : una verdad basada en la evidencia. 1
BF1708.2 .P53 1982 Un Saturne gai : entretiens avec Yvonne Caroutch / 1
BF1711 .A285 2007 Karmic astrology : past lives, present loves / 1
BF1711 .A82 1550 A treatyse of the state and disposition of the worlde with the alteracions and chaunginges therof through the great coniunctions of the iii hyest planetes, called Maxima, Maior, Media, and Minor : declaringe the very tyme, the day, houre and minute, that God created the sonne, moone, and sterres, and the places where they were fyrst set in the heauens, and the beginning of their inouynges and so contynued to this day wherby the world hath receyued influe[n]ce as [s]hal be declared by example from the creation unto this present yere, and also to the yeare of our Lorde, M.D.LVIII. to come. 1
BF1711 .B7713 1985 Leonardo da Vinci's psychology of the twelve types / 1
BF1711 .C34 1985 Advertissement contre l'astrologie judiciaire / 1
BF1711 .D46 1996 The secret language of the stars and planets: a visual key to the heavens /
The secret language of the stars and planets : a visual key to the heavens /
BF1711 .I45 [Illustration of astrological calendar] 1
BF1711 .L44 Symbolism and astrology: an introduction to esoteric astrology. 1
BF1711 .L46 1913 Esoteric astrology; a study in human nature. 1
BF1713 .C53 The Character of a quack-astrologer, or, The spurious prognosticator anatomiz'd 2
BF1713 .C82 1988 Astrology, true or false? : a scientific evaluation / 1
BF1713 .C84 The Gemini syndrome : star wars of the oldest kind / 2
BF1713 .N67 1622 Against the poyson of supposed prophesies 1
BF1713 .P57 A seventeenth-century exposure of superstition : select texts of Claude Pithoys (1587-1676) / 1
BF1713 .P57 1972eb A seventeenth-century exposure of superstition : select texts of Claude Pithoys (1587-1676) / 1
BF1713 .S49 2000 Contro gli astrologi / 1
BF1714.A6 A2312 1994 The abbreviation of The introduction to astrology : together with the medieval Latin translation of Adelard of Bath / 1