BF1728.A2 F765 2004
Bedeutung und Berechnung der Empfängnis in der Astrologie der Antike / |
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BF1728.A2 J43 1988
An astrological diary of the seventeenth century : Samuel Jeake of Rye, 1652-1699 / |
1 |
BF1728.A2 N67 1986
Horoscopes and history / |
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BF1728.G84 G8425 1990
I Guicciardini e le scienze occulte : l'oroscopo di Francesco Guicciardini : lettere di alchimia, astrologia e cabala a Luigi Guicciardini / |
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BF1728.2 .S7
Catastrophe Galliæ, or, The French king's fatal downfal predicted to happen in or about the years 1691 or 92 : together with his nativity, calculated according to the rules of astrology : as likewise that of the present emperor of Germany and the grand signior : with probable conjectures upon the Turks new eruptions into Europe : all humbly submitted to the candid and ingenuous sons of art / |
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BF1728.3 .Z63 1996
Zodicat speaks : discover your cat's astrological signature / |
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BF1729.B4 O85
Astrological birth control / |
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BF1729.B75 P8714
Le Purāṇa mayamataya : manuel astrologique singhalais de construction / |
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BF1729.B8 M37
Man and cosmos : a theory of endeavor rhythms / |
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BF1729.G4 A54 2014
Lapidario ; Libro de las formas y las imágenes que son en los cielos / |
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BF1729.G4 L29 1980
Lapidario and Libro de las formas & ymagenes / |
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BF1729.H57 B63 2005
The fated sky : astrology in history / |
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BF1729.H66 A97 1991
Lesbian love signs : an astrological guide to women loving women / |
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BF1729.H9 A84 1991
Astrology and your health / |
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BF1729.L6 G67 1929
Astrophysik : Lehre über die Entstehung der Krüppel, Idioten und Verbrecher, resp. Degeneration durch unharmonische Ehen / |
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BF1729.L6 K74
Marriage, married life & children (stellar astrology) |
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BF1729.M9 B3713 1993
God and planets : the archetypes of astrology / |
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The Duke and the Stars : Astrology and Politics in Renaissance Milan / |
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BF1729.P6 A99 2012
The duke and the stars : astrology and politics in Renaissance Milan / |
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BF1729.P6 A99 2013
The duke and the stars : astrology and politics in Renaissance Milan / |
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