Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF173 .Y2393 2023 Lacanian psychoanalysis : a contemporary introduction / 1
BF173 .Y3 1970 Ego and instinct : the psychoanalytic view of human nature--revised / 1
BF173 .Y68 2003 Where do we fall when we fall in love? / 1
BF173 .Z54213 1999 The Žižek reader / 1
BF173 eBook Dos escritos sobre psicología analítica : sobre la psicología de lo inconsciente / 1
BF173 ebook Teoría psicoanalítica una alternativa social /
EPICA, MITO Y TRAGEDIA : edipo mas alla de grecia.
Pensamiento vivo en la obra de Carlos Sopena /
Travesías nocturnas ensayos entre locura y santidad /
¿Por qué no pasa el pasado? la desmemoria melancólica /
Obras completas.
Los modelos psicoanalíticos de la psicosomática
La aptitud de psicoanalista /
En plenitud /
Bleichmar, Gardner y Piaget apreciaciones sobre la inteligencia /
La vida simbólica : escritos diversos /
Psicoanálisis vincular online : pareja, familia : otra escena = Online kink psychoanalysis : couple, family : another scene /
Freud y el psicoanálisis /
Correspondencia /
Símbolos de transformación : análisis del preludio a una esquizofrenia /
Psicología y alquimia /
Sobre el desarrollo de la personalidad /
El psicoanálisis
Compendio de técnica psicoanalítica : con su aplicación a la psicoterapia /
Introducción a la psicología analítica : apuntes del seminario impartido en 1925 /
Imaginario, simbólico, real : aporte de Lacan al psicoanálisis /
Psicoanálisis y educación : la apertura de un nuevo conocimiento /
Cuerpo, subjetividad y tecnociencia : una aproximación psicoanalítica /
Dilemas de la psicopatología : reflexiones con y desde el psicoanálisis /
Los rostros de Erich Fromm : una biografía /
Técnica psicoanalítica, aportaciones de la psicología del yo /
BF174.5.P45 The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychoanalysis / 1
BF175 The rough beast : psychoanalysis in everyday life /
C.G. Jung and the alchemical imagination : passages into the mysteries of psyche and soul /
Transformation : Jung's Legacy and Clinical Work Today /
Identification in psychoanalysis : a comprehensive introduction /
Life Against Death : the Psychoanalytical Meaning of History.
Passages beyond the gate : a Jungian approach to understanding American psychology /
Why Psychoanalysis?
Rediscovering Pierre Janet : trauma, dissociation, and a new context for psychoanalysis /
Questions for Freud : The Secret History of Psychoanalysis /
Hidden Histories of British Psychoanalysis : From Freud's Death Bed to Laing's Missing Tooth /
Doing psychoanalysis in Tehran /
Unconscious Phantasy /
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 16.
Making spaces : putting psychoanalytic thinking to work /
Psychoanalysis and aesthetics /
Spirit that Impels : Play, Creativity and Psychoanalysis.
Racist States of Mind
Literature and therapy : a systemic view /
Kabbalah and psychoanalysis /
Psychoanalyzing the Politics of the New Brain Sciences /
The Ethical Seduction of the Analytic Situation : the Feminine-Maternal Origins of Responsibility for the Other /
Beginning analysis : on the processes of initiating psychoanalysis /
Psychoanalysis, apathy, and the postmodern patient /
Finding the body in the mind : embodied memories, trauma, and depression /
PSYCHOANALYSIS, NEUROSCIENCE AND THE STORIES OF OUR LIVES : the relational roots of mental health.
Psychology's dream of the courtroom /
The Theory and Practice of Psychoanalytic Therapy : Listening for the Subtext.
Concerning the nature of psychoanalysis : the persistence of a paradoxical discourse /
Psychoanalysis, the body, and the Oedipal plot : a critical re-imaging of the body in psychoanalysis /
Eros of the Impossible : the History of Psychoanalysis in Russia /
Explorations in Bion's 'O' : everything we know nothing about /
Bion : 365 quotes /
The neurosis of psychology : primary papers towards a critical psychology.
Dialectics & analytical psychology : the El Capitan Canyon seminar /
Culture and politics on the couch : Lacanian interventions /
A Lacanian neuropsychoanalysis : consciousness enjoying uncertainty /
The Conscious in Psychoanalysis.
The Psychoanalytic Vocation : Rank, Winnicott, and the Legacy of Freud /
Conversations with Lacan : seven lectures for understanding Lacan /
Collected works of Charles Baudouin /
Talking about supervision : 10 questions, 10 analysts=100 answers /
Elements of psycho-analysis /
Cruelty, Violence and Murder /
The making and meaning of relationships in Sri Lanka : an ethnography on university students in Colombo.
Psychoanalysis and the question of the text
Constructing and deconstructing woman's power /
Psychoanalysis, politics and the postmodern university
The Klein-Winnicott Dialectic : transformative new metapsychology and interactive clinical theory /
The Matrix of the Mind : Object Relations and the Psychoanalytic Dialogue /
Advances in contemporary psychoanalytic field theory : concept and future development /
INDEPENDENT WOMEN IN BRITISH PSYCHOANALYSIS : creativity and authenticity at work.
The Birth of Experience /
The life-death instinct : feeling through creative-clinical moments /
The repression of psychoanalysis : Otto Fenichel andthe political freudians /
Kabbalah and psychoanalysis
Literature and Therapy : a Systemic View /
The Evolution of Winnicott's Thinking : Examining the Growth of Psychoanalytic Thought Over Three Generations /
Lacan the Charlatan
Psychic threats and somatic shelters : attuning to the body in contemporary psychoanalytic dialogue /
Psycho-analysis and social psychology /
Advances in contemporary psychoanalytic field theory concept and future development /
Foundation of ethics-based practices /
Psychic reality and psychoanalytic knowing /
Religion, society, and psychoanalysis : readings in contemporary theory /
Lacan, mortality, life and language : clinical and cultural explorations /
Coping and defending processes of self-environment organization /
Introductory Lectures on Lacan
Donald Meltzer : a contemporary introduction /
The couch in the marketplace /
Winnicott's babies and winnicott's patients : psychoanalysis as transitional space /
Psychoanalysis and ethics : the necessity of perspective /
A spirit that impels : play, creativity, and psychoanalysis /
If you can't trust your mother, whom can you trust? : soul murder, psychoanalysis and creativity /
Phantasy in Everyday Life : a Psychoanalytic Approach to Understanding Ourselves /
Cold War Freud : psychoanalysis in an age of catastrophes /
(Mis)understanding Freud with Lacan, Zizek, and neuroscience /
Bion and Meltzer's expeditions into unmapped mental life : beyond the spectrum in psychoanalysis /
Delta-Sigma Modulators : Modeling, Design and Applications.
BF175 .A25 1966 On character and libido development : six essays / 1
BF175 .A384 2015 Interpretive Voices : Responding to Patients. 1
BF175 .A43 2011 Trauma, Torture and Dissociation : A Psychoanalytic View / 1
BF175 .A43 2011eb Trauma, torture, and dissociation : a psychoanalytic view / 1
BF175 .A45 ABC of Adler's psychology 1
BF175 .A5 1931a What life should mean to you / 1
BF175 .A5 1960 What life should mean to you / 1
BF175.A53 M67 Alfred Adler : his influence on psychology today /
Alfred Adler: his influence on psychology today /
BF175 .A543 2011 Insight : Essays on Psychoanalytic Knowing. 1
BF175 .A543 2011eb Insight : essays on psychoanalytic knowing / 1
BF175 .A5494 2014 Alchemy and Psychotherapy : Post-Jungian Perspectives.
Alchemy and psychotherapy : post-jungian perspectives /
BF175 .A62 1994eb Analytical psychology : a modern science / 2