Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF175 .W6 How To Be Happy Though Human. 1
BF175 .W64 1984 Logic of science in psychoanalysis / 2
BF175 .Z3313 1986 The young Freud : the origins of psychoanalysis in late nineteenth-century Viennese culture / 1
BF175 .Z5 Psychoanalysis and religion / 1
BF175 ebook Feminidades : mujer y psicoanálisis : una aproximación crítica desde la clínica /
Los giros del psicoanálisis contemporáneo : una introducción al psicoanálisis relacional /
Mito y poesía en el psicoanálisis : una experiencia a lo 'real' /
Malestar en la palabra el pensamiento crítico de Freud y la Viena de su tiempo /
Un viaje hacia el corazón : el proceso terapéutico del ego al sí mismo /
Subjetivación, adolescencia y transmisión identitaria : la violencia en la cultura y en el inconsciente de los modernos /
Goces al pie de la letra
BF175.4 Jacques Lacan and Feminist Epistemology.
Freud and Culture.
Religion and Psychology in Transition : Psychoanalysis, Feminism, and Theology. /
Classical myth and psychoanalysis : ancient and modern stories of the self /
Freud and culture /
BF175.4.A47 M45 2008eb The apprehension of beauty : the role of aesthetic conflict in development, art, and violence / 1
BF175.4.C65 PSYCHOANALYSIS AND COLONIALISM a contemporary introduction. 1
BF175.4.C65 S54 2022 Psychoanalysis under occupation : practicing resistance in Palestine / 1
BF175.4.C68 Influential Papers from the 1940s.
Experiencing endings and beginnings : from birth to old age /
Cognitive psychodynamics as an integrative framework in counselling psychology and psychotherapy
A systemic approach to integrative counselling /
Psychodynamic coaching and supervision for executives : an entrepreneur and a psychoanalyst in dialogue /
Critique and affirmation in Erich Fromm : humanistic politics and the psychoanalytic clinic /
BF175.4 .C68 Eigen in Seoul : Volume 2. 1
BF175.4.C68 C66 2000eb Objects of hope : exploring possibility and limit in psychoanalysis / 1
BF175.4.C68 D35 1998eb Taking the group seriously : towards a post-Foulkesian group analytic theory / 1
BF175.4 .C68 E344 2010 Eigen in Seoul : Volume 1: Madness and Murder. 1
BF175.4.C68*eb Constructing realities : transformations through myth and metaphor / 1
BF175.4.C68 ebook Ser adolescente en el siglo XXI : aportes a la evalucación psicológica del autocontrol percibido frente al riesgo / 1
BF175.4.C68 F55 Wirkfaktoren der Einzel- und Gruppenanalyse / 1
BF175.4.C68 H64 1998 Ritual and spontaneity in the psychoanalytic process : a dialectical-constructivist view / 1
BF175.4.C68 .H64 2014eb Ritual and spontaneity in the psychoanalytic process : a dialectical-constructivist view / 1
BF175.4.C68 I54 2005eb Influential papers from the 1940s : papers from the decades in International journal of psychoanalysis key papers series / 1