Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF175.4.C68 P37 2000eb The dove that returns, the dove that vanishes paradox and creativity in psychoanalysis / 1
BF175.4.C68 P43 2010eb Attachment and new beginnings : reflections on psychoanalytic therapy / 1
BF175.4.C69 M335 1995 Developing Psychodynamic Counselling. 1
BF175.4.C69 M335 2008eb  
BF175.4.C69 P38 1992 Psychoanalytic counseling / 1
BF175.4.C84 The geography of meanings : psychoanalytic perspectives on place, space, land, and dislocation /
Cultural theory and psychoanalytic tradition /
Absolute Truth and Unbearable Psychic Pain : Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Concrete Experience /
Passions, Persons, Psychotherapy, Politics : the selected works of Andrew Samuels /
The culture-breast in psychoanalysis : cultural experiences and the clinic /
9/11 as a Collective Trauma : And Other Essays on Psychoanalysis and Society.
Mind, culture, and global unrest : psychoanalytic reflections /
Love's body /
Psychoanalysis and the postmodern impulse : knowing and being since Freud's psychology /
BF175.4.C84 A34 1993 Ethnopsychoanalyse : das Unbewusste in Wissenschaft und Kultur / 1
BF175.4.C84 A4 1989 Melanie Klein and critical social theory : an account of politics, art, and reason based on her psychoanalytic theory / 1
BF175.4.C84 B35 2005 Mourning and modernity : essays in the psychoanalysis of contemporary society / 1
BF175.4.C84 B37 1993 Psychoanalysis and the postmodern impulse : knowing and being since Freud's psychology / 1
BF175.4.C84 C66 1994 Read my desire : Lacan against the historicists / 1
BF175.4.C84 C69 2002eb Tracking the white rabbit : a subversive view of modern culture / 2
BF175.4.C84 C84 2007 Culture and the unconscious / 1
BF175.4.C84 D47 2008 Desire of the analysts : psychoanalysis and cultural criticism / 1
BF175.4.C84 D73 2003 Freud's theory of culture : eros, loss, and politics / 1
BF175.4.C84 F57 1991 Cultural theory and psychoanalytic tradition / 1
BF175.4.C84 F6313 2022 Psychoanalysis, culture and social action : act signatures of the unconscious / 1
BF175.4.C84 F65 2005 Is Oedipus online? : siting Freud after Freud / 1
BF175.4.C84 F73 Free associations. 1
BF175.4.C84 F74 2005 Freud along the Ganges : psychoanalytic reflections on the people and culture of India / 1