Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF20 .I614 1988 vol. 5 HF5548.8 Advances in industrial organizational psychology / 1
BF20 .I614 1988 vol. 6 Psychobiology : issues and applications / 1
BF20 .I614 1988 vol. 6 QP360 Psychobiology : issues and applications / 1
BF20 .I614 1988 vol. 7 Psychological development : perspectives across the life-span / 1
BF20 .I614 1988 vol. 8 Social applications and issues in psychology / 1
BF20 .I614 1988 vol. 8 BF636 Social applications and issues in psychology / 1
BF20 .I614 1988 vol. 9 Clinical and abnormal psychology / 1
BF20 .I614 1988 vol. 9 RC467 Clinical and abnormal psychology / 1
BF20 .I614 2004 Progress in psychological science around the world : congress proceedings : XVIII [sic] International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, 2004 / 2
BF20 .I614 2012 Psychology serving humanity proceedings of the 30th International Congress of Psychology / 1
BF20 .I614 2016  
BF20.I616 2008 Personality, Human Development, and Culture. 1
BF20 .I616 2010eb International perspectives on psychological science. 1
BF20 .I617 2000 Psychology at the turn of the millennium congress proceedings : XXVII International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, 2000 /
Psychology at the turn of the millennium : congress proceedings : XXVII International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, 2000 /
BF20 .I63 1980 Proceedings of the XXIInd International Congress of Psychology : Leipzig, GDR, July 6-12, 1980. 1
BF20 .I64 1999 Theoretical issues in psychology : proceedings of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology 1999 Conference / 1
BF20 .I64 2001eb Theoretical issues in psychology : proceedings of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology 1999 Conference / 1
BF20 .P74 Proceedings of the British Psychological Society. 1
BF20 .W28 Behaviorism and phenomenology : contrasting bases for modern psychology / 1
BF21 The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment : Studies in the Theory of Emotional Development. /
Psychology & politics