Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF2050 .G74 2006 Hidden truth, forbidden knowledge : it is time for you to know / 2
BF2050 .H47 1997 Beyond Roswell : the alien autopsy film, Area 51, and the U.S. government coverup of UFO's /
Beyond Roswell : the alien autopsy film, Area 51, & the U.S. government coverup of UFOs /
BF2050 .J33 1998 The threat / 1
BF2050.K76 2011 Aliens and Man? : a Synopsis of Facts and Beliefs. 1
BF2050 .L47 2016eb The resonance of unseen things : poetics, power, captivity, and UFOs in the American uncanny / 3
BF2050 .M335 1999 Passport to the cosmos : human transformation and alien encounters /
Passport to the cosmos : human transformation and alien encourters /
BF2050 .M36 1998 Alien abductions : creating a modern phenomenon / 2
BF2050 .M52 2007 Contact with alien civilizations : our hopes and fears about encountering extraterrestrials / 1
BF2050 .M64 2003 Picturing extraterrestrials : alien images in modern culture / 1
BF2050 .M68 2000 Our celestial visitors : a program in world rehabilitation / 1
BF2050 .S76 1998 Confirmation : the hard evidence of aliens among us / 1
BF2050 .S77 1997 The secret school : preparation for contact / 1
BF2050 .U36 2000 UFOs and abductions : challenging the borders of knowledge / 2
BF2050 .W54 1998 Alien dawn : an investigation into the contact experience / 1
BF4596.G38 F57 2009 Fish out of water 1
BF6437.N4.M42 1995eb Successful Negotiation : Effective "Win-Win" Strategies and Tactics. 1
BF14078 .F95 1993 The Functions of dreaming / 1
BF Ru,D Baltazar's Feasts. 1
BFD Fr,D Les Bronzes font du Ski. 1
BFW Ru,D Barbara the Fair with the Silver Hair. 1