Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF38 .Z33 2000eb Psychological concepts and biological psychiatry : a philosophical analysis / 1
BF38 ebook Filosofía de la psicología
Usos y abusos de la psicología un psicólogo examina la validez de su ciencia en los asuntos humanos /
El sujeto velado a partir de Nietzche y Wittgenstein /
Psicología : objeto y método /
Temas de filosofía de la psicología
Lecciones de psicología clásica /
Psicología histórico- cultural /
BF38.5 Theories of culture /
Method Matters in Psychology : Essays in Applied Philosophy of Science /
Subjectivity and knowledge generalization in the psychological study of everyday life /
Research methods in indigenous contexts /
Psychomythics : Sources of Artifacts and Misconceptions in Scientific Psychology.
BF38.5 .A458 2012eb Writing to clients and referring professionals about psychological assessment results : a handbook of style and grammar / 1
BF38.5 -- A52 1983eb Psychology and the Liberal Consensus. 1
BF38.5 .A53 1982 Methods of information integration theory / 1
BF38.5 .A7 The psychology experiment : an introduction to the scientific method / 1
BF38.5 .B26 On method : toward a reconstruction of psychological investigation. 1
BF38.5 .B3x Research in psychodiagnostics : record of investigations / 1
BF38.5 .B44 1973 Psychological sciences: a review of modern psychology. -
Psychological sciences : a review of modern psychology.
BF38.5 .B67 Explanation in the behavioural sciences,
Explanation in the behavioural sciences /
BF38.5 .C425 1984 Changing the subject : psychology, social regulation and subjectivity / 1
BF38.5 .C425 1998eb Changing the subject psychology, social regulation and subjectivity / 1
BF38.5 .C44 Myslennyĭ ėksperiment : Opyt psikhologicheskogo issledovani︠i︡a / 1
BF38.5 .C48 Psychological models and neural mechanisms : an examination of reductionism in psychology / 1
BF38.5 .C664 1983 Psychology and mathematics : an essay on theory / 2
BF38.5 .C85 1983 The nature of psychological explanation / 2
BF38.5 .D3513 1995 Changing the rules : psychology in the Netherlands, 1900-1985 / 2
BF38.5 .D4 From anxiety to method in the behavioral sciences / 1
BF38.5 E93 2024 Expected experiences : the predictive mind in an uncertain world / 1