Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF39.2.M85 B67 2005 Modern multidimensional scaling : theory and applications / 1
BF39.2.M85 B67 2005eb Modern multidimensional scaling theory and applications / 1
BF39.2.M85 B67 2013 Applied multidimensional scaling / 1
BF39.2.M85 B67 2018 Applied multidimensional scaling and unfolding / 1
BF39.2.M85 C69 1994 Multidimensional scaling / 1
BF39.2.R37 Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2016 conference proceedings : Rasch and the future /
Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2014 Conference Proceedings : Rasch and the future /
Proceedings of the Pacific-Rim objective measurement symposium (PROMS 2023) /
BF39.2.S34 Not to scale : how the small becomes large, the large becomes unthinkable, and the unthinkable becomes possible / 1
BF39.2.S34 D86 2012 Scaling methods 1
BF39.2.S34 S33 2004 Scaling methods / 1
BF39.2.S34 S33 2004eb Scaling Methods.
Scaling methods /
BF39.2.S7 P76 1994 Probability in theory-building : experimental and non-experimental approaches to scientific research in psychology / 1
BF39.2.S77 H69 2011 Structural equation modeling for social and personality psychology / 1
BF39.3 Measuring and modeling persons and situations /
Applications of Data-Centric Science to Social Design Qualitative and Quantitative Understanding of Collective Human Behavior /
Executive briefing : understanding the cult of prediction /
BF39.3 .B76 2018 Research methods in a laboratory study of personality, emotion, and physiological activity : considerations and choices / 1
BF39.3 .C645 2014 The open mind : Cold War politics and the sciences of human nature / 1
BF39.3 .M65 2011 Inside man : the discipline of modeling human ways of being / 1
BF39.3.M65 2011 Inside Man : the Discipline of Modeling Human Ways of Being. 1
BF39.3 T396 2018 La théorie psychogénétique de l'identité et l'épreuve Groupements : fondements et applications / 1
BF39.4 When the garden isn't Eden more psychodynamic concepts from life
Melancholia : the Western malady /
Beyond weird : psychobiography in times of transcultural and transdisciplinary perspectives /
Psychobiographical illustrations on meaning and identity in sociocultural contexts
BF39.4 .A2413 2000 Bridging the gap : storytelling as a way to work through political and collective hostilities / 1