Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF408 .R244 2008 The riddle : where ideas come from and how to have better ones / 2
BF408 .R244 2008eb The riddle : where ideas come from and how to have better ones / 2
BF408 .R253 2015eb Reflections on imagination : human capacity and ethnographic method / 1
BF408 .R26 Scientific creativity, its recognition and development. : Selected papers from the proceedings of the first, second / 1
BF408 .R2675 2015 Rethinking creativity : contributions from social and cultural psychology / 2
BF408 .R4 1899b The evolution of general ideas / 1
BF408 .R44 2016 Reflections on imagination human capacity and ethnographic method / 1
BF408 .R445 2022 Inspired : understanding creativity: a journey through art, science, and the soul / 1
BF408 .R467 2015eb Comment stimuler sa créativité professionnelle? : Les étapes pour voir le monde différemment. 1
BF408 .R49 1988a The enhancement and diminishment of humorous creativity / 1
BF408 .R515499 2022eb Imagine if ... : creating a future for us all / 1
BF408 .R5155 2010eb Sudden genius? the gradual path to creative breakthroughs / 1
BF408 .R53 2011ab Out of our minds : learning to be creative / 1
BF408 .R628 2010 Sudden genius? : the gradual path to creative breakthroughs / 1
BF408 .R63 2011eb Out of our minds : learning to be creative / 2
BF408 .R66 2001 Sparks of genius : the thirteen thinking tools of the world's most creative people / 2
BF408 .R67 1970 The creative experience.
The creative experience /
BF408 .R682 1990 Creativity and madness : new findings and old stereotypes / 1
BF408 .R683 The emerging goddess : the creative process in art, science, and other fields / 2
BF408 .R69 1991 Consciousness and creativity : a case study of Sri Aurobindo, T.S. Eliot, and Aldous Huxley / 1