Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF408 .M856 2012 Creative boot camp 30-day booster pack : major mix / 1
BF408 .M856 2013 Creative boot camp : booster pack : brigadier mix /
Creative boot camp : generate ideas in greater quantity & quality in 30 days /
BF408 .N35 1966 Climate for creativity; report.
Climate for creativity : report /
Climate for creativity report /
BF408 .N354 1988 The Nature of creativity : contemporary psychological perspectives / 2
BF408 .N3548 2018 The nature of human creativity / 1
BF408 .N37 Creative man : five essays / 1
BF408 .N374 1989 The place of creation : six essays / 1
BF408 .N3813 1971 Art and the creative unconscious : four essays / 1
BF408 .N4 Der schöpferische Mensch. 1
BF408 .N48 2013 Networked flow towards an understanding of creative networks / 1
BF408 .N4813 1959 Art and the creative unconscious four essays / 1
BF408 .N5196 2013eb Neuroscience of creativity / 4
BF408 .N57 1986 The art of creative thinking / 1
BF408 .N67 2004 Creativity, communication and cultural value 1
BF408 .O29 1990 Before the gates of excellence : the determinants of creative genius / 1
BF408 .O35 2007 Smart world : breakthrough creativity and the new science of ideas / 1
BF408 .O65 La psychologie et l'imagination chez J.-P. Sartre et chez F. Schneersohn / 1
BF408 .O67 2013eb Imagination from fantasy to delusion
Imagination from fantasy to delusion /
BF408 .O74 1997 The origins and psychodynamics of creativity : a psychoanalytic perspective / 1
BF408 .O74 2023 The idea of the book and the creation of literature / 1