Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BF441 .W4446 2019 | Super thinking : the big book of mental models / | 1 |
BF441 .W455 2004 | Thinking like Einstein : returning to our visual roots with the emerging revolution in computer information visualization / | 1 |
BF441 .W46 1995 | What might have been : the social psychology of counterfactual thinking / | 1 |
BF441 .W47 | The algorithm writer's guide / | 1 |
BF441 .W475 1986 | Problem solving and comprehension / | 1 |
BF441 .W48 |
Decision methodology; a formalization of the OR process Decision methodology : a formalization of the OR process / |
2 |
BF441 .W53 1983 | Planning and understanding : a computational approach to human reasoning / | 2 |
BF441 .W73 1984 | Behavioral decision theory : an introduction / | 1 |
BF441 .Y6 1975 | A technique for producing ideas / | 1 |
BF441 .Z56 2022 | Partial truths : how fractions distort our thinking / | 1 |
BF441 .Z58 2024 | The pleasure of thinking / | 1 |
BF441 ebook |
Pensamiento educativo : cognición, prácticas pedagógicas e interacciones / Geografía en la universidad y en la escuela. Pedagogía y naturaleza humana : el pensamiento magicoanimista en la naturaleza humana : engendrando el pensamiento crítico / Critical thinking and philosophy : a dialogue with new tunes / Prohibido pensar : parásitos versus catalizadores del pensamiento : con ejercicios de entrenamiento filosófico / Pensar : lógicas no clásicas / Ulises y las Sirenas : estudios sobre racionalidad e irracionalidad / |
7 |
BF442 |
Contrastive reasons / Reasoning in psychopathology : rationality and irrationality in mental disorders / Human reasoning / How we reason / Reasoning : the neuroscience of how we think / Everyday irrationality : how pseudo- scientists, lunatics, and the rest of us systematically fail to think rationally / Reasoning unbound : thinking about morality, delusion and democracy / Reasoning unbound thinking about morality, delusion and democracy / Conversations on Human Action and Practical Rationality. Think straight : an owner's manual for the mind / |
10 |
BF442 .025x 1998eb | Rationality in an uncertain world : essays on the cognitive science of human reasoning / | 2 |
BF442 .B47 2014eb | Reflexionar : un modo mejor de pensar / | 1 |
BF442 .C35 1999 | Within reason : rationality and human behavior / | 1 |
BF442 .C64 2016 | Cognitive unconscious and human rationality / | 3 |
BF442 .D37 2020 | The music of reason : Rousseau, Nietzsche, Plato / | 1 |
BF442 .D385 2020 | The Music of Reason : Rousseau, Nietzsche, Plato. | 1 |
BF442 .D39 2001 | Everyday irrationality : how pseudo-scientists, lunatics, and the rest of us systematically fail to think rationally / | 1 |