Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF632 .L64 1995 Self-control : waiting until tomorrow for what you want today / 1
BF632 .L65 Secrets of mind power : how to organize and develop the hidden powers of your mind. 1
BF632 .M18513 2015eb  
BF632 .M25 2012eb Power and influence : self-development lessons from African proverbs and folktales / 1
BF632 .M367 2016 Managing Yourself In A Week : the Success Toolkit For Managers In Seven Simple Steps. 1
BF632 .M54 1993 Self-discipline and emotional control how to stay calm and productive under pressure / 1
BF632 .M57 2014 The marshmallow test : mastering self-control / 1
BF632 N322 2012eb Yo, mi proyecto : crecer hacia dentro y hacia arriba / 1
BF632 .O355 1989a Athena Louise replies / 1
BF632 .O355 1989ax Athena Louise replies / 1
BF632 P434 2012eb 13 Razones para entender que él no es el hombre de tu vida / 1
BF632 .P46 1998 Personal control in action : cognitive and motivational mechanisms / 2
BF632 .P47 1999eb Perspectives on behavioral self-regulation
Perspectives on behavioral self-regulation /
BF632 .P78 2009 Psychology of self-regulation : cognitive, affective, and motivational processes / 1
BF632 .P78 2009eb Psychology of self-regulation : cognitive, affective, and motivational processes / 1
BF632 .Q73 2011 Don't be sad = Lā taḥzan / 1
BF632 .Q7314 2007 Ne sois pas triste = Lā taḥzan / 2
BF632 .R3 2000 The science of self-control / 1
BF632 .R3 2000eb The science of self-control / 1
BF632 .R35 2007eb The nature of things : a simple analysis of the physical world and things pertaining to human life / 1