Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BF637 .F76 1994 | The path of least resistance learning to become the creative force in your own life / | 1 |
BF637.H4 |
Why we act : turning bystanders into moral rebels / Why people give : interpreting altruism / Human goodness : origins, manifestations, and clinical implications / Cooperation and helping behavior theories and research / Positive social behavior and morality / Altruism, Narcissism, Comity / The altruistic brain : how we are naturally good / Prophecy, behaviour and change : an examination of self-fulfilling prophecies in helping relationships / Identificare e aiutare chi ne ha bisogno / Altruistic emotion, cognition, and behavior / Helfen : Situative und organisationale Ausprägungen einer unterbestimmten Praxis / |
11 |
BF637.H4 A46 | Altruism and helping behavior : social, personality, and developmental perspectives / | 1 |
BF637.H4 .A48 2013eb | Altruism in cross-cultural perspective | 1 |
BF637.H4 B3193 2013eb | Motivation, altruism, personality and social psychology : the coming age of altruism / | 2 |
BF637.H4 B32 1986 | The problem of altruism : Freudian-Darwinian solutions / | 1 |
BF637.H4 B375 2004 | Kindness in a cruel world : the evolution of altruism / | 1 |
BF637.H4 B38 1982 | Basic processes in helping relationships / | 1 |
BF637.H4 B387 2011 | Altruism in humans / | 1 |
BF637.H4 .B387 2019 | A Scientific Search for Altruism : Do We Only Care about Ourselves? | 1 |
BF637.H4 B39 1991 | The altruism question : toward a social psychological answer / | 1 |
BF637.H4 B393 2018 | A scientific search for altruism : do we care only about ourselves? / | 1 |
BF637.H4 B393 2019 | A scientific search for altruism : do we care only about ourselves? / | 1 |
BF637.H4 B517 2002 | Prosocial behaviour / | 1 |
BF637.H4 B517 2002eb |
Prosocial behaviour Prosocial behaviour / |
2 |
BF637.H4 B7 1988 | The helping relationship : process and skills / | 1 |
BF637.H4 B7 1993 | The helping relationship : process and skills / | 1 |
BF637.H4 B7 1996 | The helping relationship : process and skills / | 1 |
BF637.H4 C37 2008eb | The art of helping / | 1 |
BF637.H4 .C567 2013eb | Krize a význam pomáhajících prvního kontaktu : aplikace v kontextu rodinného násilí / | 1 |