Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF698.35.R47 R47117 2014eb The resilience handbook : approaches to stress and trauma / 2
BF698.35.R47 R472 2003 Resilience : learning from people with disabilities and the turning points in their lives / 1
BF698.35.R47 R475 2013 Resiliencia gestioĢn del naufragio / 1
BF698.35.R47 .R48 2020 MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Designing for Resilience / 1
BF698.35.R47 R63 2014 Psychological fitness and resilience : a review of relevant constructs, measures, and links to well-being / 1
BF698.35.R47 R63 2014ab The resilience dividend : being strong in a world where things go wrong / 1
BF698.35.R47 .R636 2019 Roaming Africa : Migration, Resilience and Social Protection. 1
BF698.35.R47 R67 2013 Physical fitness and resilience : a review of relevant constructs, measures, and links to well-being / 1
BF698.35.R47 R67 2013eb Physical fitness and resilience : a review of relevant constructs, measures, and links to well-being / 1
BF698.35.R47 S36 2006 Risk and resilience : adaptations in changing times / 1
BF698.35.R47 S36 2006eb Risk and resilience : adaptations in changing times / 1
BF698.35.R47 .S44 2021 The Ultimate Self Care Book : Improve Your Wellbeing; Build Resilience and Confidence; Master Mindfulness / 1
BF698.35.R47 S54 2005eb The resiliency advantage : master change, thrive under pressure, and bounce back from setbacks / 2
BF698.35.R47 S55 2013 Medical fitness and resilience : a review of relevant constructs, measures, and links to well-being / 1
BF698.35.R47 S63 2012eb The social ecology of resilience a handbook of theory and practice / 1
BF698.35.R47 .S63 2021 Resilience by Design How to Survive and Thrive in a Complex and Turbulent World. 1
BF698.35.R47 S68 2012 Resilience : the Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges. 2
BF698.35.R47 S68 2012eb Resilience : the science of mastering life's greatest challenges / 1
BF698.35.R47 S68 2018 Resilience : the science of mastering life's greatest challenges / 1
BF698.35.R47 S68 2023 Resilience : the science of mastering life's greatest challenges / 1