Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF698.35.R47 .T76 2018 Nurturing Emotional Resilience in Vulnerable Children and Young People : a Practical Guide. 1
BF698.35.R47 T87 2011 Gana la resiliencia / 2
BF698.35.R47 W54 2023 Bounce : living the resilient life / 1
BF698.35.R47 W543 2018 Night call : embracing compassion and hope in a troubled world / 1
BF698.35.R47 Y48 2013 Spiritual fitness and resilience : a review of relevant constructs, measures, and links to well-being / 2
BF698.35.S45 A67 1992 The dangerous edge : the psychology of excitement / 1
BF698.35.S45 C37 2019 Buzz! : inside the minds of thrill-seekers, daredevils, and adrenaline junkies / 1
BF698.35.S45 C37 2019eb Buzz! : inside the minds of thrill-seekers, daredevils, and adrenaline junkies / 1
BF698.35.S45 Z83 1994 Behavioral expressions and biosocial bases of sensation seeking / 1
BF698.35.S45 Z835 2007 Sensation seeking and risky behavior / 1
BF698.35.S47 Tools for helpful souls / 1
BF698.35.S47 D57 2013eb The discourse of sensibility : the knowing body in the enlightenment / 1
BF698.35.S47 E38 2004 The sensitive self / 1
BF698.35.S47 ebook Sensible Sobre la Sensibilidad Moderna y Los límites de lo Tolerable. 1
BF698.35.S47 P45 2022eb John Henry Newman and the English Sensibility : Distant Scene / 1
BF698.35.S47 T45 2018eb The simple guide to sensitive boys : how to nurture children and avoid trauma / 1
BF698.35.V85 Withstanding vulnerability throughout adult life : dynamics of stressors, resources, and reserves /
The moral implications of human and animal vulnerability /
On vulnerability : A philosophical anthropology /
Understanding vulnerability and resilience : a guide for professional staff who work with vulnerable others /
New model of burn out syndrome : towards early diagnosis and prevention /
Moralische Dimensionen der Verletzlichkeit des Menschen : Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven Auf Einen Anthropologischen Grundbegriff und Seine Relevanz Für Die Medizinethik.
Mediating vulnerability comparative approaches and questions of genre /
BF698.35.V85 23eb New Model of Burn Out Syndrome. 1
BF698.35.V85 B63 2017 Arts-Based and Duoethnographic Exploration of Vulnerability through Family and Profession / 1
BF698.35.V85 B76 2022 On vulnerability : a critical introduction / 1